Quality measurement: An analysis of evaluative instruments of the maturity of service companies
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The lack of knowledge of instruments that allow closing the gaps (GAPS) in the measurement of the level of quality maturity, has caused that the service provider companies cannot achieve an effective management in the service. The objective of the study was to describe the instruments required to close service gaps. For which, the CACPECO Savings and Credit Cooperative was evaluated as a case study. The methodological design proposed in the study investigated and analyzed the CMMi model and business challenges in relation to quality management. The approach used was quantitative at a descriptive level, as it clarified the degree of maturity of the institution's service. the identified findings revealed that there are gaps in levels 3, 4 and 5. For this reason, they need a restructuring. It is recommended to apply the instruments indicated for closing GAPS. Similarly, it is suggested to evaluate the model every 2 years.
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