Quality measurement: An analysis of evaluative instruments of the maturity of service companies

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David Oswaldo Córdova-Albán
Martha Liliana Albán-Bautista
Milton Marcelo Cárdenas-Cárdenas


The lack of knowledge of instruments that allow closing the gaps (GAPS) in the measurement of the level of quality maturity, has caused that the service provider companies cannot achieve an effective management in the service. The objective of the study was to describe the instruments required to close service gaps. For which, the CACPECO Savings and Credit Cooperative was evaluated as a case study. The methodological design proposed in the study investigated and analyzed the CMMi model and business challenges in relation to quality management. The approach used was quantitative at a descriptive level, as it clarified the degree of maturity of the institution's service. the identified findings revealed that there are gaps in levels 3, 4 and 5. For this reason, they need a restructuring. It is recommended to apply the instruments indicated for closing GAPS. Similarly, it is suggested to evaluate the model every 2 years.


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How to Cite
Córdova-Albán, D., Albán-Bautista, M., & Cárdenas-Cárdenas, M. (2021). Quality measurement: An analysis of evaluative instruments of the maturity of service companies. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(2-2), 299-306. Retrieved from https://593dp.com/index.php/593_Digital_Publisher/article/view/599
Author Biographies

David Oswaldo Córdova-Albán, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE - Ecuador


Master in Quality and Productivity Management from the University of the Armed Forces ESPE Sangolquí.


Commercial Engineer with a major in Finance and Marketing from the Salesian Polytechnic University.


Professor at the University of the Armed Forces ESPE

Martha Liliana Albán-Bautista, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


With a PhD. in Strategic Business Administration from the Business School of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú CENTRUM.

Accredited by the Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT) to carry out research activities in Ecuador through Registry

Member of the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD).

Member of the Socially Leadership Research Center

Responsible, Women and Equity, of the Graduate Academic Department in Business (DAPN) of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP).

Member of the Ecuadorian Network of Scientific Women (REMCI) and Member of REMCI Nodo Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC).

I am passionate about gender issues, I have published some scientific articles and books in the specialty areas: Gender, Balance,

Science; Business Administration; Management and Operations.

Milton Marcelo Cárdenas-Cárdenas, Universidad Técnica del Cotopaxi - Ecuador


PhD candidate in Organizational Sciences at the Universidad de Los Andes-Venezuela.


M.B.A. in Administration and Marketing


Diploma in Marketing Management


Diploma in Administrative Management


Titular Teaching Business Engineer at the Technical University of Cotopaxi.


Director of the Business Administration career at the Technical University of Cotopaxi


Coordinator of the Master's program in Business Administration at the Technical University of Cotopaxi.


Publication of scientific articles and books in the areas of specialty: Business Administration; Management and Operations,



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