Challenges of educational management in Jaime Nebot Velasco school during the Covid-19 pandemic

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Karla Vanessa Porras-López
Luis Miguel Rodríguez-Morán


The sanitary crisis by the covid-19 has made a strong impact directly in the educational institutions of all the cities of the country, affecting in a direct way students, ministries, educational centers, teachers and directors, therefore, the closing of educational centers as part of the protocol to avoid the virus propagation has all the students without attending the educational centers; For this reason educational management has taken an important role today, because they must face the challenges through the implementation of strategies that involve helping all participants in the community, in order to provide teaching-learning with or without digital technologies.
Education has been transformed by the pandemic; understanding and addressing these facts is a challenge for every member of the educational community. The authors, in this investigation have highlighted the importance of the work of the educational manager in the Jaime Nebot School in time of resilience, since the strategies that will be implemented will be the main gear that will allow a correct operation, of the educational environment. The main objective is to establish strategies that contribute to the strengthening of institutional communication in times of pandemic. This has been validated through qualitative research using the method of direct observation, so it will be possible to analyze the decisions made by the authorities of the campus, and through these to strengthen the organizational culture and guidelines that have been implemented in the institution. In conclusion, this research work shows that a good educational management will be carried out through strategies where it is determined that the realization of a collective participation, will help to face and solve difficulties, thus facilitating the access to online education to all participants from a common perspective.


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How to Cite
Porras-López, K., & Rodríguez-Morán, L. (2021). Challenges of educational management in Jaime Nebot Velasco school during the Covid-19 pandemic. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(4), 45-58.
Author Biographies

Karla Vanessa Porras-López, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Mrs. Porras studied Social Communication at Universidad Catolica de Santiago de Guayaquil and graduated in 2013. After gaining experience in the social media industry, Mrs. Porras became interested in the education sector and in sharing her experience with others in order to improve the education quality in Ecuador.

In 2017 Mrs. Porras got the opportunity she always sought and started working at Baltasara Calderón de Rocafuerte School. Since then, she is gained experience in education management, educational inclusion and information and educational technologies. Now she is working in Mariscal Sucre School.


Luis Miguel Rodríguez-Morán, Universidad Espíritu Santo - Ecuador


Luis Miguel Rodríguez Morán completed his higher studies at the Leónidas García Pedagogical Institute in the city of Guayaquil, graduated in Teacher of Primary Education. Then he studied at the State University of Guayaquil obtaining the title of Bachelor of Science in Education Specialization in Primary Education. He has worked in the public sector since 1994 as a primary education teacher, he has held the position of Director of the Jaime Alfonso Nebot Velasco School from 2009 to the present. In 2021 he obtained the title of Master in Educational Management. This research work is based on the experience that we have had to live due to the health crisis caused by the covid19, where educational managers, together with their work teams, have had to reinvent themselves to move forward with the students under their care.


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