Incidence of innovative leadership within the teaching and learning process of the UEM "Ileana Espinel Cedeño"

Main Article Content

Rosa Isabel Campoverde-Luque
Ruth Adela Parrales-Villarreal


Innovative Leadership in educational settings has become an essential characteristic that goes hand in hand with adequate and effective educational management, the present research aims to design a manual of innovative strategies for educational managers, which contributes positively to the learning environment , since nowadays, leaders are required who through their management, strengthen the communication processes between the educational community, optimizing the relationship between teachers and students, in addition to implementing new educational trends, which allow the obtaining of suitable results in the teaching and learning processes at the "Ileana Espinel Cedeño" Millennium Educational Unit. The intention is to contribute with a reconceptualization of innovative leadership that generates transformation, in private educational institutions and that contributes to the construction of a quality education in the public sector, in order to comply with the 2030 Agenda. The focus of the research is cut Mixed, a literary review has been carried out in indexed scientific journals such as Scielo, Latindex and on websites such as academic Google, based on the logical historical method, which allows documentary analysis of the trajectory of the types of leadership. To obtain the quantitative results, the survey has been applied, based on the Likert scale, in addition to scientific observation, analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, the sample as a statistical method and the hypothetical-deductive method. In conclusion, the management of educational leaders should focus on generating transcendental changes in the educational context, as they can thus provide students with better opportunities to learn and in the future, in the workplace.


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How to Cite
Campoverde-Luque, R., & Parrales-Villarreal, R. (2021). Incidence of innovative leadership within the teaching and learning process of the UEM "Ileana Espinel Cedeño". 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(2-1), 203-220.
Author Biographies

Rosa Isabel Campoverde-Luque, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Professor in Educational Sciences from the State University of Guayaquil, mention in Commerce and Administration / Guayaquil - Ecuador

Degree in Education Sciences from the State University of Guayaquil, mention in Commerce and Administration / Guayaquil - Ecuador

Graduated from the Master of Educational Management from the University of Espiritu Santo / Samborondón - Ecuador

Coordinator of Student Internships technical area of ​​the UEF "Teodoro Alvarado Olea" of the city of Guayaquil School year 2017 - 2018/2018 - 2019/2019 - 2020 / 2020-2021

Member of the Executive Council of the UEF "Teodoro Alvarado Olea" 2019 - 2020 / 2020-2021.

Ruth Adela Parrales-Villarreal, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


    • Pedagogical Technologist in Computer Science at the University of Guayaquil.
    • Secondary Education Teacher Specialization: Computer Science from the University of Guayaquil.
    • Bachelor of Science in Education Specialization: Computer Science from the University of Guayaquil.
    • Graduated from the Master of Educational Management from the Espiritu Santo University of Samborondon – Ecuador.
    • Positions I have held: Direction of the Aguirre Abad Fiscal College.
    • Teacher of the computer science area for 7 years at Aguirre Abad School.
    • Winner of the contest as a teacher for him, National Teaching in 2013.
    • I worked as Deputy Inspector General at the Aguirre Abad Replica Fiscal Education for 4 years.
    • I worked as the director in charge of the Gabriela Mistral Fiscal Basic Education School
    • I worked as Vice-rector of the Ileana Espinel Cedeño from Guayaquil.


    • I am currently working in the Ileana Espinel Cedeño as Inspector General.


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