Technological resources to stimulate the learning of students at Ficoa de Montalvo high school

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María Elsa Lema-Dután
Mónica Minerva Meza-Mora


The objective of this research is to design an educational model containing strategies that constitute an effective guide in the application of technological resources that should be used to stimulate the learning of high school students from the “Ficoa de Montalvo” fiscal college. Different methodologies of the theoretical level and empirical level stand out. The logical historical method allows a review of the historical antecedents that are related to the study of the real trajectory and technological advances, the deductive method allows us to deduce logical conclusions from a series of premises or principles and the holistic method helps to decompose the object in the field is the integral way of observing an event or phenomenon. On the other hand, this research shows the training of teachers, the construction that classrooms must have and the level of administration of tools that the educator must acquire. The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in educational practice is a way to encourage students in the classroom, so what is necessary will be identified for teachers to adapt to this new technological society and keep an affective attitude to function in the educational context. This topic also presents theoretical conceptualizations, practical implementations of learning in daily life and effects by the latest health events worldwide, which directly involve the way of educating oneself, considering technology as a didactic resource. This study will address new forms and processes of teaching, using the relevant resources. It should be noted that technological resources are of great importance at the school stage and are intended to facilitate the acquisition, storage and use of knowledge, to achieve desired results in the classroom and obtain meaningful knowledge in students.


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How to Cite
Lema-Dután, M., & Meza-Mora, M. (2021). Technological resources to stimulate the learning of students at Ficoa de Montalvo high school. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(2-1), 187-202.
Author Biographies

María Elsa Lema-Dután, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


María Elsa Lema Dután.

 Secondary School Teacher and Bachelor of Science in Education with a specialty in Biological Chemistry

Extensive experience in teaching. Private and fiscal. Professor of Chemistry and Biology at the Fiscal Education Unit "Ficoa de Montalvo" for 13 years.

Coordinator of the student participation program.

Currently completing a master's degree in Education Management at the Espíritu Santo University

I consider myself a responsible, dynamic and creative person, with ease of adaptation and the ability to work in a team, with the initiative of a good leader to solve problems efficiently and achieve successful objectives and goals.

Mónica Minerva Meza-Mora, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Monica Minerva Meza Mora

  • Teacher of Basic Education.
  • Bachelor of Science in Education Mention in Basic General Education.
  • Educational Administrator
  • Teacher at the Humberto Garcia Ortiz School.
  • Teacher in Mentor Training
  • Coordinator of Educational Projects

 Currently completing a Master's Degree in Education Management at the Universidad Espíritu Santo.


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