The effectiveness of assertive communication in the educational management of the "Simón Bolívar" Technical High School College

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Denisse Yadira Peñafiel-Villagómez
Guadalupe Estefanía García-Montero


The scientific article entitled the effectiveness of assertive communication in the educational management of the "Simón Bolívar" Technical Fiscal College of High School, has the general objective of creating assertive communication strategies for effective management within educational management in the aforementioned institution, and as specifics establish their importance, characterize the techniques; at the same time, define the principles, relate the skills in this communication style and validate the achievement indicators to achieve its effectiveness. The theoretical bases are based on the authors: Lesme et al (2020); Solórzano (2018); Isea et al (2017); Ugalde (2016); Castro et al (2015); among others, who founded the assertive communication and educational management. The type of research is qualitative, it is based on scientific methods: historical - logical, theoretical systematization, analysis and synthesis. As empirical methods: scientific observation, interview, ethnographic record and expert judgment. According to the results, according to the authors, it can be affirmed that, by handling communication assertively, regardless of its form, it can be positively used and used to improve the educational work environment and even its administrative organization and is based on self-esteem , trust, empathy and active listening; which are closely related to each other. Due to the relevance it represents, it is recommended that it be implemented in educational institutions that deserve it, since by applying communication strategies an excellent

educational management will be obtained


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How to Cite
Peñafiel-Villagómez, D., & García-Montero, G. (2021). The effectiveness of assertive communication in the educational management of the "Simón Bolívar" Technical High School College. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(2-1), 156-173.
Author Biographies

Denisse Yadira Peñafiel-Villagómez, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Graduate in Computer Science from the State University of Guayaquil and Master in Educational Management from the University of Espiritu Santo Specialties. Since 1998 I have been a teacher at basic and high school education institutions. In 2017 I made a publication about Strategies to encourage reading at home; In addition, in 2019, a presentation at the University of Zulia.

Guadalupe Estefanía García-Montero, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Computer and Informatics Engineer from the Agraria University of Ecuador and Master in Educational Management from the Espiritu Santo University of Specialties. Since 2018 I have been a teacher at basic and high school education institutions. I made a presentation in 2019 at the University of Zulia.


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