The efficiency of educational management and its impact on the innovation of the teacher of the Bárbara Alfaro Institution

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Dora María Campoverde-Villacis
Nancy Eulalia Bravo-Peláez


Management and educational innovation have been two topics of discussion and reflection in scientific events in Latin America, variables considered in the research. The objective of the article consisted of building efficient management strategies for educational management and strengthening the innovation of the teacher of the Bárbara Alfaro Institution. The methodology was with the rational positivist paradigm, with the quantitative epistemological approach, using the scientific methods: explanatory and historical - logical, which allowed obtaining research information from the last five years and facilitated the description of the facts as they were observed. Likewise, empirical methods were used: observation, which allowed in a planned and objective way the pedagogical measurement of the teacher at the beginning and end of the 2020 -2021 school year. The population and sample was census with 1 manager and 8 teachers. The survey technique and the questionnaire instrument were applied with the non-experimental method, through which the real events in the educational institution under study were evidenced and described. The results were positive and in favor of the question formulated in the problem, reflecting the need for the proposal designed with efficient management strategies for educational management and thus strengthening the innovation of the teacher of the Institution


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How to Cite
Campoverde-Villacis, D., & Bravo-Peláez, N. (2021). The efficiency of educational management and its impact on the innovation of the teacher of the Bárbara Alfaro Institution. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(2-1), 139-155.
Author Biographies

Dora María Campoverde-Villacis, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Teacher's Title Primary Education Specialization.

Bachelor of Science in Education Specialization in Primary Education.

Higher Diploma in Curricular Management by Competences.

Teacher in training of Mentors. District 09D03C04_a.

Master in Educational Management.

Work Experience 18 years, I worked as a teacher in the following fiscal educational institutions: Carmen Calixto de Borja, Julia Crespo Agurto, Manuel Córdova Galarza, Rosa Borja de Izquierdo. As a Teacher in Mentor Training I work in the following institutions: Raúl Clemente Huerta, Republic of Colombia, Bárbara Alfaro, Ramón Agurto Castillo and Republic of Costa Rica.


Nancy Eulalia Bravo-Peláez, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Title of Second School Teacher.

Graduate in Biology Specialization.

Higher Diploma in Curricular Management by Competences.

Master in Educational Management.

Work Experience 25 years, I worked as a teacher in the Compensatory Education Program (illiteracy), and in the fiscal educational institutions: Martha Bucaram de Roldós Academy, Modesto Chávez School, El Paraíso School, Rector of the Teodoro Alvarado Garaicoa and Juan Montalvo Educational Unit.


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