A conceptual framework for healthy organizations in the ecuadorian context

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Arturo Enrique Córdova-Cano
Ignacio Loor-Colamarco


Healthy organizations have the power to impact the individual performance of the employees, which has implications for the overall functioning and performance of the organization. However, the notion of healthy organization is not a one-size-fits-all proposition, but it varies from one context to another. This research develops the concept of healthy organization for the Ecuadorian corporate context. The study is exploratory and collects rich descriptions from executives and experts on the management of the human capital. The study also considers technical reports from organizations that have addressed the notion of healthy organization, such as the World Health Organization and the International Labor Organization. The arguments identified in these reports, along with data from the relevant literature, were contrasted with the primary data collected through in-depth interviews. The data analysis used grounded theory to identify the key issues and their interrelations. The output of this work was a conceptual framework for healthy organizations in Ecuador. The study examined the well-being of workers, the practices that promote well-being, the relationship between well-being and productivity, and the challenges of labor well-being in Ecuador. Finally, this work contributes to the scant literature on healthy organizations in Ecuador, which includes the concept of well-being, the relevant practices, and how these impact on the financial health or profitability of an organization. It is necessary to develop patterns or standards that can help managing healthy environments, considering the implementation of wellness planning, transparency, team management and the application of healthy practices.


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How to Cite
Córdova-Cano, A., & Loor-Colamarco, I. (2021). A conceptual framework for healthy organizations in the ecuadorian context. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(3), 16-29. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2021.3.529
Author Biographies

Arturo Enrique Córdova-Cano, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador sede Manabí


Labor and Organizational Psychologist from the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, certified as a Master Practitioner in NLP by Richard Bandler International, MBA, specialty in Quality and Productivity Management, from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Manabí campus.

He has a professional career of 15 years in the Human Talent area.

Ignacio Loor-Colamarco, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador sede Manabí


PhD in Human Geography from the University of Manchester, UK. Thesis: Informal Green Infrastructure (IGI) and the pursuit of Sustainable Development in Quito City. Additionally, he obtained a master's degree in International Business from Nova Southeastern University, United States. He is an Economist from the Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil, Ecuador. He is a researcher in urban planning and sustainable development. His areas of interest are informal settlement infrastructure, the social context of construction biomaterials, green infrastructure, social organization of informal settlements, informal practices and the transition to net zero carbon.


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