The relationship between the responsible use of technology and learning in the students of the Middle Basic Sublevel of the Leónidas Plaza School

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Marjorie Verónica Alarcón-San Lucas
Andrea Isabel Millán-Ibarra


The student and the teacher are in a society of constant changes, where the educator is no longer a simple speaker, but a mediator of the teaching and learning process; In this way, you will know the capacities and aptitudes of the students, who must learn to convert the information acquired into knowledge. Technological resources allow incorporating information into educational processes; However, the teacher has the obligation to handle these applications and tools, to provide a better education, without neglecting the dangers and distractions that can be found when working with technology, since current education poses transcendental challenges in the education of the present and future generations.

This article aims to address the inappropriate use of technology by students, which impairs their meaningful learning. As a general objective, we propose to provide innovative strategies that allow full learning in the students of the Middle Basic Sublevel of the Leonidas Plaza School. The following research article has a mixed approach and thus the following theoretical and empirical methods are highlighted in this study: historical - logical, induction and deduction, hypothetical - deductive, experimentation, expert judgment, and retrospection. In this way, it can be concluded that the relationship between technology and learning plays an important role in any educational system, because technology provides beneficial changes in the different educational practices, where teachers must become reflective and critical awareness with the students. current educational processes and changes, implementing new teaching and learning tools, avoiding distractions for students in the educational teaching process.


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How to Cite
Alarcón-San Lucas, M., & Millán-Ibarra, A. (2021). The relationship between the responsible use of technology and learning in the students of the Middle Basic Sublevel of the Leónidas Plaza School. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(2-1), 120-138.
Author Biographies

Marjorie Verónica Alarcón-San Lucas, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Marjorie Alarcon, 43 years old. Bachelor of Science in Education Mention in Primary Education degree awarded at the University of Guayaquil. 15 years of experience in teaching with students from initial level to basic general education.

Currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Educational Management at the Universidad Espíritu Santo

Andrea Isabel Millán-Ibarra, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Accounting and Auditing Engineer from the Salesian Polytechnic University.

4 years of experience in teaching with high school students.

Currently completing a Master's Degree in Educational Management at the Universidad Espíritu Santo.


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