Pedagogy in times of pandemic: affects and memories of teaching-learning

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Paulo Sergio Barros
José Amaro Da Costa


This article discusses conceptual and practical aspects of virtual education in quarantine times, based on the Brazilian reality, taking as a backdrop reflections on education and the authors' teaching practices in the context of a historical and educational reality marked by a pandemic. In this way, the text highlights the pandemic as a historical event full of sensitive issues that affect different aspects of society and, consequently, in the educational sphere, demanding from education a more attentive reflection of aspects such as technology, remote education, teaching-learning, emotions and affectivity.


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How to Cite
Barros, P., & Da Costa, J. (2021). Pedagogy in times of pandemic: affects and memories of teaching-learning. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(2-1), 229-241.
Author Biographies

Paulo Sergio Barros, Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Argentina


PhD student in Education at the National University of Rosario, Argentina. Master in History, teacher of the Secretary of Education of the State of Ceará, volunteer for the international program Living Values ​​Education and member of the research group on Culture of Peace, Youths and Teachers of the Federal University of Ceará/CNPq, Brazil.

José Amaro Da Costa, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina


PhD student in Education at Nacional University of Rosario - Argentina and member of NuQueer - Nucleus of Queer and Decolonial Studies, a collective for teaching, research and extension actions of the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil.


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