Educational Management and its influence in the new Challenges of Curriculum development in Unidad Educativa Bartolomé Garelli

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Sandra Eloisa Marcillo-Zambrano
Elsa María Tomalá-Leal


This research is based on the importance of educational management and the new challenges of curricular development that teachers have in these times, in which education has presented notable and great changes, which addresses a social problem that has historical background and which those involved in education have to face in a dynamic and innovative way, for which an adequate educational management will allow the institution to achieve its proposed objectives, together with the entire institutional team, developing an optimal work that help improvements for the benefit of the entire educational community. The purpose of the scientific article is to elaborate a theoretical model aimed at the educational manager in the face of current challenges in education to improve the application of curriculum development in the Bartolomé Garelli Educational Unit. Through the application of the qualitative investigative approach that allows us to study and understand the reality of an observed phenomenon, applying various methodologies, such as: The logical historical method, which allows obtaining the background, the chronological evolution that education has had over the course of the years; the method of scientific modeling, which allows visualizing the educational reality for the creation of theoretical models; the holistic method, which allows to analyze and relate the characteristics of those involved in its field of action. For the compilation of the information empirical methods are used, such as: The interview, the survey and the criteria of experts. This provides us with the necessary information to propose a feasible solution through a theoretical model, which will analyze and understand the characteristics of school management to determine the optimal qualities of the manager to help face the new challenges presented by educational actors. (teachers, parents, students) and education.


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How to Cite
Marcillo, S., & Tomalá, E. (2021). Educational Management and its influence in the new Challenges of Curriculum development in Unidad Educativa Bartolomé Garelli. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(2-1), 76-93.
Author Biographies

Sandra Eloisa Marcillo-Zambrano, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Bachelor of Science in Education with a mention in Biological Chemistry.

Experience as a Catechist in the Parish of Mary Immaculate Eucharist for 5 years.

Professor of Biology and Chemistry at the Bartolomé Garelli Educational Unit.

Coordinator of the Technical Pedagogical Commission.

Degree Project Coordinator.

Currently finishing Master's Degree in Educational Management.

Elsa María Tomalá-Leal, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Works in the Fiscomisional Institution "Santa María Monte de Paz", with the position as an area teacher and I belong to the executive council for this year.


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