Lectura y formación docente en contexto escolar

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Edna de Oliveira
Nerina Mazino


This article tries to reflect on the continuous education that happens inside the school space for the teachers in the moments of multidisciplinary planning transformed into pedagogical practice. The reading, didactic resource present in all the disciplines of the curriculum, was the motivation for the development of this didactic teaching project involving the following subjects: Portuguese language and writing I, chemistry, physics and writing Scientific, in early years/2017, in the professional high school, on the campus of the Instituto Federal de Senhor do Bonfim-Bahia-Brasil. Compared to high levels of disapproval in chemistry and physics at the school, the group of teachers has developed this project called ‘ is there an uncle Tungstenio in each one of us?’ that allowed access to a learning content multi and transverse more enjoyable as well as were offered conditions that foster the attitude of investigation before problems requiring a solution, In other words, it was more than just the transmission of knowledge. Then, the reading of the novel “Uncle Tungstenio: Memories of a chemical childhood” by Oliver Sacks supported this idea and the experience was evaluated positively by the professors and students involved in the project.


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How to Cite
de Oliveira, E., & Mazino, N. (2018). Lectura y formación docente en contexto escolar. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 3(2), 20-28. Retrieved from https://593dp.com/index.php/593_Digital_Publisher/article/view/49


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