Proximity marketing: Geolocation, as an advertising strategy in the brands of shopping centers in the city of ambato
Main Article Content
Proximity marketing creates smart cities and geolocation as a digital advertising tool, eliminates traffic from retail purchases, delivers ads according to their locations, increases customer satisfaction by building customer loyalty, creates a positive brand image and a link between customer and supplier, facilitates the movement of revenue and marketing objectives within malls and shopping centers. The objective of the research was to identify the level of customer satisfaction with geolocation as an advertising strategy for shopping center brands in the city of Ambato. It had a secondary qualitative method, so a literature review of academic publications, articles published in scientific journals, statistical information, books and newspaper articles were carried out in order to carry out the study. Likewise, a quantitative approach was applied in the analysis of data collected in the application of the survey to carry out the study. The research had a correlational reach, since it was possible to calculate the level of satisfaction and the relation of the advertising of the brands of the shopping centers of the city of Ambato. The study sample was of three hundred and eighty-four (384) users, between 18 and 50 years old, data obtained from the Tungurahua 2019 - 2021 agenda. The main result obtained was the impact of the level of satisfaction and frequency of purchase in the shopping centers with the use of geolocalization: Facebook is the social network with the highest acceptance due to its versatility for receiving promotional notifications. It was concluded that geolocalized advertising strategies influence the purchase decision and contribute to the image and positioning of brands by creating strong links between the customer and the supplier.
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