Digital marketing strategy focused on the online reputation of the esthetic sector Tungurahua - Ecuador

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Sonia Maribel Muilema-Chicaiza
Jorge Enrique Jordán-Vaca


The evolution of ICTs and COVID-19 times have generated consequences in all areas because the customer is increasingly demanding, looking for a product and / or service according to the needs. That is why the objective of this research is to determine a digital marketing strategy focused on the online reputation of the esthetic sector Tungurahua - Ecuador. In this sense, the problem identified is that companies in this sector are unaware of strategies and apply it empirically, without any analysis, evaluation, monitoring and control. To this end, documents in Spanish and English indexed in databases such as Springer Journal, Google Academic, Microsoft Academic Search and Journal Marketing were reviewed, which allowed to support the object of study and reach the conclusions. The instrument (survey) with a reliability index of 0.98 then allowed the collection and analysis of the data obtained on the object of study. Likewise, tools were used to analyze: social networks, website and online presence. Indeed, the results detail the stages of the strategy when considering the company DLU Hairdressing and Esthetics with a wide trajectory, variety of services and RRSS. Finally, the importance of this strategy and advantages such as: improvement of online presence, image and perception of customers is evident.


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How to Cite
Muilema-Chicaiza, S., & Jordán-Vaca, J. (2021). Digital marketing strategy focused on the online reputation of the esthetic sector Tungurahua - Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(2), 213-228.
Author Biographies

Sonia Maribel Muilema-Chicaiza, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Marketer in charge of the advertising and sales area of ​​commercial and service companies. Passionate about the evolution of digital marketing and conversational marketing especially in digital environments, social networks, applications, others.

Jorge Enrique Jordán-Vaca, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Financial Management. Professor at the Technical University of Ambato, Faculty of Administrative Sciences. Researcher in topics related to marketing, digital marketing, financial planning, entrepreneurship and finance. 20 years of experience in the educational field.


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