La Industry 4.0 and business in the face of the health emergency due to COVID-19

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Estefani Carlota Jácome Andrade
Andrea del Rosario Cárdenas-Palma
Pilar Lorena Rivera-Badillo


The crisis caused by the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, highlighted the response capacity of companies in the face of an emergency, the adoption of the teleworking modality although it partially stopped the number of infections, on the side of the activities business, the consequences were serious given that not all sectors could adapt to this modality; being its main reasons, the technological ignorance on the part of the workers, the outdated and in part the lack of tools and technological platforms. The objective of the research was to analyze the impact that industry 4.0 has on business in the face of the health emergency caused by COVID-19 as well as the adoption of new technologies that this industry encompasses. The qualitative approach analyzed the problems that affect productivity in the main business sectors. The quantitative approach was applied to prepare a survey made up of eight (8) questions and a cluster analysis that determined the homogeneity between (5) clusters with similar characteristics. The study sample was 218 companies from the province of Tungurahua. The main result obtained was that, although the industrial sector adopted the teleworking modality, its adaptation to the new work modality presented drawbacks, this due to the fact that its platforms or technological tools were not up-to-date, it is essential that companies deepen the subject and promote the development of their activities based on knowledge and technology, the implementation of digitization in all areas, based on industry 4.0 will allow the achievement of this new industrialization.


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How to Cite
Jácome-Andrade, E., Cárdenas-Palma, A., & Rivera-Badillo, L. (2021). La Industry 4.0 and business in the face of the health emergency due to COVID-19. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(2), 18-29.
Author Biographies

Estefani Carlota Jácome Andrade, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Graduated from the Marketing and Business Management career at the Technical University of Ambato. Currently, she works as an entrepreneur.

Andrea del Rosario Cárdenas-Palma, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Graduated from the Marketing and Business Management career at the Technical University of Ambato.

Pilar Lorena Rivera-Badillo, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Degree in Accounting and Auditing - CPA, from the Escuela Politécnica de Chimborazo. Master's Degree from the Technical University of Ambato in Teaching and Curriculum for Higher Education. Official Master's Degree in Business Organization and Doctor of Business Science (PhD) from the Rey Juan Carlos – URJC University. During her stay in Spain, she works as a teaching assistant and is linked to research activities at the URJC in Madrid. She is currently a tenured professor at the Technical University of Ambato, Coordinator of the Research Unit of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the UTA. She has written two books, several articles with topics that refer to entrepreneurship, business, business creation and several of economic research on current issues.


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