Continuity of MiPymes under ISO 22301. Case Cuenca – Azuay

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Alexandra Katherine Quituisaca-León
Ronal Armando Ruilova-Morocho
Gabriela Isabel Araujo-Ochoa


This article aims to help mitigate the problem that is experienced throughout history where many of the MiPymes that make up the country are drastically affected by different variables. This is why the situation they are going through in the city of Cuenca and their integration into ISO 22301. Is analyzed, to identify those frequent problems faced by companies once they operate in the market. Also, the situation they are experiencing due to covid-19 was considered proposing possible solutions for business continuity. As a result, there are eleven relevant research problems for which it is proposed within the business continuity plan: ICT`s implementation, organizational chart, strategic plan, function manual and so on that will be of vital importance to improving the operation of a business in the shortest possible time.


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How to Cite
Quituisaca-León, A., Ruilova-Morocho, R., & Araujo-Ochoa, G. (2021). Continuity of MiPymes under ISO 22301. Case Cuenca – Azuay. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(2), 30-42.
Author Biographies

Alexandra Katherine Quituisaca-León, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana - Ecuador


Alexandra Katherine Quituisaca León Graduate student of the Business Administration degree at the Salesian Polytechnic University.

Ronal Armando Ruilova-Morocho, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana - Ecuador


Ronal Armando Ruilova Morocho Graduate student of the Business Administration degree at the Salesian Polytechnic University.

Gabriela Isabel Araujo-Ochoa, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana - Ecuador


She received a degree in Commercial Engineering from the Salesian Polytechnic University in 2006, in 2015 Master of Business Management from the Private Technical University of Loja. She is currently seeking a doctorate in Organization Management from the Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla - Mexico. Eng. Araujo is part of the Small and Medium Business Management Research Group and a teacher of the Business Administration Career at the Salesian Polytechnic University, Cuenca - Ecuador. Her areas of interest are: Strategic Planning, Business Administration, Improvements in associations and integrative projects.



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