Educational Leadership for Enhancing Quality in Teaching at Middle School Level

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Mitzi Gisella Sanchez-Pluas
Verónica Elizabeth Naula-Cepeda


This work proposes to provide an innovative strategy from the perspective of educational leadership that influences the quality of teaching at the basic higher level, in order to achieve innovative learning with the application of learning methods and techniques, with the use of ICTs. Both empirical and theoretical scientific methods, logical historical, observation, survey, interview, deductive and inductive method and correlational descriptive method were used. A relevant part of the research is to be able to implement innovative strategies by managers and teachers for the teaching-learning of students. The strategy is to work with ICT as an interdisciplinary axis in all areas of knowledge, since it will allow students to develop computer skills, that is, the system of knowledge, abilities and skills to use technological resources as a learning technique and improvement in academic performance, it becomes an urgent need to use technological resources in the teaching-learning process, to raise educational quality through collaborative and interactive development of students, that is why the importance of the present proposal since it guides the development of basic subjects, which will allow significant learning to be achieved


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How to Cite
Sánchez, M., & Naula, V. (2020). Educational Leadership for Enhancing Quality in Teaching at Middle School Level. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(1), 150-168.
Author Biographies

Mitzi Gisella Sanchez-Pluas, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Mitzi Gisella Sanchez Pluas. A teacher with conviction in teaching, I started my teaching career in 2004 as a community educator and I was able to achieve my first goal as a Bachelor of Science in Education Mention in Basic Education in 2008, achieving one of the most precious dreams that teachers long for. which is to improve the quality of teaching-learning since it is essential to achieve the proposed objectives, imparting education with love, efficiency and warmth to children and young people. Regarding the experience in the field of research, it is important to highlight and learn about different theories, paradigms in the educational field that are necessary to improve education, convinced that a Master's Degree in Educational Management would allow obtaining more experience and generating new knowledge and from this Making improvements to the education of my locality has allowed me to achieve my second goal.

Verónica Elizabeth Naula-Cepeda, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Verónica Elizabeth Naula Cepeda. Teacher with a vision of improvement in teaching, I began my teaching career in 2010, later I graduated as a Bachelor of Education Sciences Mention in Primary Education in 2018, achieving a desired dream in order to impart new focused knowledge to a quality education for young people, forming beings capable of solving the problems that arise in life. Regarding the experience in the educational and research field, I have expressed the need to acquire knowledge in searching, reviewing all sources of primary and secondary information, which are relevant for a scientific article since this helps in the education that is taught in the centers In addition, being a managerial leader is important so that the educational quality standards are achieved in a short time.


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