Teachers' Satisfaction and its Impact on Professional Educational Performance

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Mayra Margarita Parrales-Castro
Paula Nastacha Puero-Candela


The present work aims to contribute with administrative strategies focused on improving the incidence of teacher satisfaction within their educational professional performance. To do this, scientific research methods such as the historical-logical method were used to determine the behavior of the variables over time and within the research context itself, and thereby infer the level of participation of professional performance in the achievement of organizational objectives.
It is also important to highlight that there is a close relationship between organizational climate, satisfaction and performance, taking into account productivity and performance that are predictors of satisfaction that allow establishing the work and professional performance of teachers according to their profile.
It is also necessary to indicate that this study has as its dimension or purpose the analysis of the data, based on a mixed approach that describes the variables and seeks to explain their changes and movements within the incidence of professional performance, due to the studies carried out on Teacher job satisfaction has led to different investigations aimed at the emotional, personal and work well-being of this magnificent profession.


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How to Cite
Parrales, M., & Puero, P. (2021). Teachers’ Satisfaction and its Impact on Professional Educational Performance. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(1), 283-302. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2021.1.416
Author Biographies

Mayra Margarita Parrales-Castro, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


I am honest, responsible, tolerant, dynamic, sociable, innovative. I am characterized by being persevering and in the constant search for personal and professional improvement linked to the commitment to fulfill the objectives set in my life.

Willingness to fulfill my functions, obligations and established norms adding to the achievement of the vision of the Institution of which I am a part.

Regarding my work experience, I can indicate that I have been a tutor of different academic levels for 8 years, being a work of effort and sacrifice that is rewarded in my students in order to achieve an education in values, sustainable and inclusive. enduring with quality and warmth.

Paula Nastacha Puero-Candela, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


I did my studies at the private school #118 General Ing. “Ricardo Astudillo”, the basic cycle would be done in the religious school of “Santa María Goretti” ladies, I continued my high school studies at the National School of Young Ladies “Nueve de Octubre”, graduating from the Physical specialization – Mathematician, following my university study at the University of Guayaquil, granting the title of Lcda. In ed. Primary and at the UEES university, granting me a Master’s degree in educational management.

Raparding my work experience, I have 12 years in the teaching profession, as a teacher, aninspector, secretary and 3 of them as a director, having a work of effort and sacrifice.


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