Impact of the theoretical organizational model of quality and competitiveness at the City of Machala School

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Angela Icela Estupiñan-Lara
Martha Patricia Estupiñan-Lara


This research study proposes the creation of an Organizational Theoretical Model that will increase the academic performance and competitiveness of tax educational institutions specifically in the marginal urban area of Guayaquil, with a view to improving educational quality. This work presents as objective propose an organizational theoretical model that influences the educational quality and competitiveness of the Fiscal EGB School City of Machala. A qualitative and quantitative approach was used that assisted in the collection and analysis of data, for which a survey was used, established under the format of school management standards and professional managerial and teaching performance proposed by the Ministry of Education. Where the results based on the audit carried out indicated that it does not meet 50% of the quality standards requested by the strategic management coordination of the Ministry of Education. Concluding that the implementation of this theoretical model allowed the educational institution City of Machala the proper development of its functions, with the appropriate distribution of the work established in the institutional educational plan.


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How to Cite
Estupiñan, A., & Estupiñan, M. (2020). Impact of the theoretical organizational model of quality and competitiveness at the City of Machala School. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(1), 29-38.
Author Biographies

Angela Icela Estupiñan-Lara, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Bachelor of Science in Education. Primary Mention, Teacher Basic Tax School City of Machala. I have worked at the private school “Instituto Venecia”,

School of Basic Tax Education “José Joaquín de Olmedo"

Martha Patricia Estupiñan-Lara, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Sociologist. Teacher of the School of Basic Tax Education "Roberto Illingworth Icaza". I have worked at the School of Basic Tax Education "Valdivia".


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