Construction of a Moodle 3.8 virtual classroom with PACIE methodology and SCRUM process for the María Jesús de Juliaca school in COVID-19’s times

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Eddy Torres-Acurio
Ángel Rosendo Condori Coaquira


The work that has been carried out is a qualitative type of research, which shows us the great utility of a virtual classroom for remote education (E-learning), compared to other non-recommended virtual media, answering the question Is there a medium adequate to be able to educate online? At the same time, it helps us to understand that despite a state of emergency we should not improvise the distribution of educational information by any means other than a virtual classroom, because it will harm in 3 important points both the teacher as well as the students, which are: the decrease in the amount of work sent to the teacher with respect to the amount of work commissioned (increase in work not delivered), increase in the delivery time of the student's work to the teacher (delay of the established delivery time) and increase in the loss of jobs by the teacher. The correct implementation of a virtual classroom will help reduce and in some cases eliminate these aspects that we have just seen, since the educational information, both that provided by the teacher, and the work that the student sends, will be organized on the basis of data from the virtual classroom and it will be presented to the user from an exclusive environment for Online education, we can also see in the present investigation, the necessary steps that we must follow to be able to build a virtual classroom in an appropriate way, along with the materials that one should use, as well as the processes and methodologies that will help you to control the progress of said construction of the virtual classroom, at the end there will also be mentioned some discussions that could help draw conclusions from this research, as well as the investigative material that served to be able to lay the foundations for this work.


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How to Cite
Torres-Acurio, E., & Condori-Coaquira, Ángel. (2021). Construction of a Moodle 3.8 virtual classroom with PACIE methodology and SCRUM process for the María Jesús de Juliaca school in COVID-19’s times. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(2-1), 37-52.
Author Biographies

Eddy Torres-Acurio, Universidad Peruana Unión - Perú


Bachelor of the professional academic school of systems engineering of the faculty of engineering and architecture of the Universidad Peruana Unión, professor of the computer course in different primary and secondary educational institutions, master's student in ICT management of the engineering faculty, Statistics and Computer Science at the National University of the Altiplano de Puno, I worked on various projects with virtual classrooms, with more than 3 years of experience in the use of ICTs as a means and tool to support the learning process.

Ángel Rosendo Condori Coaquira, Universidad Peruana Unión - Perú


Systems Engineer from Universidad Peruana Unión, Developer of business solutions both in Frontend and Backend, with knowledge in XAMMP and MEAN architectures, among others. 

Professor of university and technological higher education, invited to various lectures on computer topics, web development, internet of things and new emerging technologies.



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