Methodological proposal to calculate expected credit losses, using the simple method of IFRS 9

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Geanella Joselyn Rojas-Cuenca
Yoicy Carolina Arévalo-Niola
Néstor Daniel Gutiérrez-Jaramillo


The objective of this research is to propose a methodology tool that allows the credit calculation of expected losses, through the use of the simple method, providing micro-enterprises with an information analysis instrument that allows the Management to carry out efficient financial planning. The study is cross-sectional, taking information from internal secondary sources within the time period of 2019. The method established in the case is composed of a qualitative approach, in the first instance the data of a primary and secondary nature are analyzed to generate a construction according to the theoretical framework; With this reasoning, an interview sheet applied to those in charge of the accounting area was selected. The investigative findings show that the automotive sector is made up of micro-businesses that, for the most part, do not have proper planning, the degree of application and knowledge of IFRS 9 is lacking, because there is no precise measurement and evaluation. of credit losses that are granted through a credit line to the client portfolio. The methodological proposal was adapted to the automotive parts sales industry, and also aims to be a support for the systematic improvement in the accounting and financial performance of the collections department.


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How to Cite
Rojas, G., Arevalo, Y., & Gutierrez, N. (2020). Methodological proposal to calculate expected credit losses, using the simple method of IFRS 9. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(6-1), 175-184.
Author Biographies

Geanella Joselyn Rojas-Cuenca, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

I am Geanella Rojas, a graduate student of the Accounting and Auditing Career, I have participated In courses and workshops related to Accounting, I have also conducted research within my area of ​​influence, which has made me worthy of academic recognition.

Yoicy Carolina Arévalo-Niola, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Yoicy Arévalo, a student of the Accounting and Auditing Career at the Technical University of Machala, currently a graduate, I have excelled throughout my career as a university student in the execution of academic-level projects, which have helped me expand my knowledge.

Néstor Daniel Gutiérrez-Jaramillo, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Néstor Daniel Gutiérrez Jaramillo, professor at the Technical University of Machala, advisor on national and international tax issues, graduated in Economics from the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral ESPOL, graduated in Accounting and Auditing from the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja UTPL, Master in Business Administration from the State University of Guayaquil, Doctor in Accounting and Business Sciences from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de SAN MARCOS.


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