Online reputation: an ethical digital marketing strategy for the hotel sector Tungurahua-Ecuador

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Esteban Israel Oñate-Solís
Mario Sebastián Benalcázar-Villegas
Juan Enrique Ramos-Guevara


In the tourism sector there is a constant growth due to the search for tourist services through digital media; being online reputation an instrument to respond to the needs of tourists. Thus, the objective of this study is to propose online reputation as an ethical digital marketing strategy for the Tungurahua-Ecuador hotel sector. Ignorance in the implementation of online reputation strategies in tourism sector companies, as well as in ethical actions in them, was found as a problem. This research is descriptive - exploratory in nature and uses theoretical methods with which to support its development. The information collection technique is a structured survey of companies that provide accommodation activities for short stays in the province of Tungurahua. In addition, a reliability analysis of the questionnaire and a correlation of the study variables were performed. The results include the structure of the strategy with four phases which directly contribute to the improvement of the digital presence, visibility of the hotels and positive opinions about the tourist services offered


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How to Cite
Oñate, E., Benalcázar, M., & Ramos, J. (2020). Online reputation: an ethical digital marketing strategy for the hotel sector Tungurahua-Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(6-1), 116-129.
Author Biographies

Esteban Israel Oñate-Solís, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Graduated from the Marketing and Business Management career, work experience in Sales and Marketing. Several participations in conferences and courses on behavior and types of clients.

Mario Sebastián Benalcázar-Villegas, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Graduated from the Marketing and Business Management career, work experience in Sales and Marketing. Several participations in conferences and courses on behavior and types of clients.

Juan Enrique Ramos-Guevara, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Master in Business Financial Management. University Professor in chairs related to Business Administration and Marketing, Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research.


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