Forensic audit and its impact on the shrimp companies of the City of Machala.

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Andrés Josué Sanmartín-Dávila
Ivana del Rocio Belduma-Ortega
Milca Naara Orellana-Ulloa


The objective of this article is to analyze the application of Forensic Audit especially in companies in the shrimp sector of the city of Machala; For this, the use of a cross-sectional research model was chosen, taking as informative reference scientific documents within the study period from 2018 to 2019, in addition, a data collection method with a qualitative-explanatory approach was considered, due to With the support of the in-depth interview instrument and the survey form, for this, the population to be investigated was selected, which are 185 shrimp companies according to MAGAP data, the findings found show that the shrimp companies of the City of Machala investigated, they have not executed processes of prevention, analysis and evaluation of internal processes, they have large flows of statistical and documentary information, therefore, the application of forensic audit processes are essential when detecting anomalies and crimes that attempt against companies in this industry.


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How to Cite
Sanmartín, A., Belduma, I., & Orellana, M. (2020). Forensic audit and its impact on the shrimp companies of the City of Machala. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(6-1), 166-174.
Author Biographies

Andrés Josué Sanmartín-Dávila, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Ecuadorian nationality, currently Head in the Cost area of ​​the company STALINSHRIMP S.A with 3 years of experience in the shrimp industry Graduated from the Accounting and Auditing career of the Technical University of Machala.

Ivana del Rocio Belduma-Ortega, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Ecuadorian nationality, title of Accountant Bachelor of Commerce and Administration Sciences at the Ismael Pérez Pazmiño Educational Unit, I have the Ecuadorian Training Service, and participation in the Project of economic, productive social development, of the cooperative mariculture and fisheries production "Puerto El Conchero ”.

Milca Naara Orellana-Ulloa, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Ecuadorian nationality, currently a full-time professor at the Technical University of Machala, degrees obtained Master's Degree in Auditing and Accounting, Business Engineer, Accountant with 20 years of experience.


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