Content Marketing as a Strategy to Increase Sales in Times of COVID-19

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Jennifer Tatiana Chango-Guamanquispe
Edwin Alberto Lara-Flores


Content marketing is a marketing technique that is based on creating, publishing and sharing content of interest to the target audience. Thus, this article aims to diagnose the influence on the use of content marketing to increase sales in times of COVID-19. As it is a descriptive-exploratory study, it details the study variables and investigates this little-studied topic. A desk research was used to gather relevant information from scientific articles, books, theses, and government documents. The study population is 41,790 companies in the province of Tungurahua, with a sample of 268 companies, which correspond to MIPYMES (micro, small and medium-sized companies); and to whom a structured survey was applied. Within the results, 4 blocks are presented: A) demographic data; B) use of Marketing in companies; C) Management of COVID-19; D) Implementation of Content Marketing and statistical analysis. In conclusion, the sales of MSMEs are benefited by the application of content marketing, since they achieve a profitability level of 80% to emerge from times of pandemic. So, this type of marketing is a viable strategy for MSMEs that use digital media to expand their activities, which was evidenced in this study.


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How to Cite
Chango, J., & Lara, E. (2020). Content Marketing as a Strategy to Increase Sales in Times of COVID-19. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(6), 131-142.
Author Biographies

Jennifer Tatiana Chango-Guamanquispe, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Graduated from the Marketing and Business Management career, work experience in sales and Marketing. Courses in reference to the behavior and types of clients.

Edwin Alberto Lara-Flores, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Full-time University Professor in reference modules in areas related to Administration, Business and Marketing. Courses on the aforementioned areas and fourth level studies.


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