Factors that affect the manipulation of financial information in commercial mi-cro-enterprises. Machala City Case

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Pamela Lisseth Malla-Lalvay
Karen Nicole Sotomayor-Blacio
Carlos Omar Soto-González


The objective of this study is to analyze those aspects that influence an inefficient handling of information of financial interest that involves commercial micro-enterprises in Cantón Machala. The research is framed within a cross-sectional approach, that is, data provided by the companies from the period of time from 2017 to 2019 is considered, based on these elements and with the support of secondary data, a method is selected qualitative type, thanks to the support of structured interviews, directed towards the representative of the accounting area, in addition the study is complemented with a quantitative type model, the sample considered for the study is 50 commercial micro-enterprises according to the Superintendency of Companies Later, a survey file was structured to extract the research findings. The main results show that micro-enterprises constitute small structures, in the introduction and growth stage within the market, they manage and present their financial-accounting information with the advice of a private accountant, lacking an accounting program that allows a better organization of resources, in turn, the presentation of reports and audits is carried out in an inefficient and disorganized way.


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How to Cite
Malla, P., Sotomayor, K., & Soto, C. (2020). Factors that affect the manipulation of financial information in commercial mi-cro-enterprises. Machala City Case. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(6-1), 157-165. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2020.6-1.351
Author Biographies

Pamela Lisseth Malla-Lalvay, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Pamela Malla, Machaleña student graduated from the accounting and auditing career, throughout my university career I have stood out in the participation of projects of connection with society and in the generation of scientific content, I am currently studying my process of degree to obtain my accounting and auditing engineering degree, my later aspiration is to venture into a master's degree related to the financial area to perform in the labor field with excellent results.

Karen Nicole Sotomayor-Blacio, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Karen Sotomayor, Machaleña student graduated from the accounting and auditing career, throughout my university career I have stood out in the participation of projects of connection with society and in the generation of scientific content, I am currently studying my process of qualification to obtain my title of Accounting and Auditing Engineer, that this allows me to develop and offer my capacities in the financial and tax field, obtaining results in the work and assigned area, through the responsibility and trust deposited.

Carlos Omar Soto-González, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Ecuadorian. PhD candidate in Business, Economy and Society (University of Alicante - Spain). Commercial Engineer, Master in Auditing and Accounting from the Technical University of Machala. Associate Professor 2, Grade 2, Research Professor at the Faculty of Business Sciences of the Technical University of Machala.


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