Educating for Peace in the public university: An Imperative in the Colombian Amazon?

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Wilson Juvenal Vallejo-Fuenmayor


Between lights and shadows, fears and hopes, Colombia is walking in the process of implementing peace, therefore, the public university in the Amazon must stand up for the work of monitoring and accompanying the indigenous, Afro-descendant and peasant communities in defense of compliance with the agreements signed in 2016.

In the post-conflict period, the university should be thought of as a “university for peace”, projected in its social function, as an agent of peace, fostering access with equity, promoting relevant academic offerings, expanding coverage, training competent and socially responsible professionals and contributing to the elaboration and resignification of the nation project starting from the recognition of who we are from the Amazonian territory.

May the revolutionary spirit of the students of Córdoba illuminate the conquest of the right to stable and lasting peace for the Colombian Amazon, led by the Public University.


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How to Cite
Vallejo, W. (2020). Educating for Peace in the public university: An Imperative in the Colombian Amazon?. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(5-2), 88-97.
Author Biography

Wilson Juvenal Vallejo-Fuenmayor, Multiversidad Mundo Real Edgar Morin - México


Degree in Philosophy and Psychologist; Specialist in Educational Management, Master in Participation and Community Development. Advancement of doctoral studies in Complex Thinking with Real World Multiversity.


Since 2010 Research Advisor in Pedagogy and Humanities


The defense of the Amazon, as a common home is based on recognizing what we are and the ability to weave knowledge for peaceful coexistence from intercultural dialogue


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