Effects of Coronavirus on the behavior of using digital channels in Ecuador
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This study reviews the measures adopted to prevent the spread of covid-19, control its expansion and forestall the collapse of health care systems, highlighting how these measures have generated a change in the behavior of Ecuadorian customers, towards the use of digital media. Through bi-biographical review it was possible to define how improved access to digital media and a new consumer behavior due to the pandemic, has generated growth in the use of digital channels compared to traditional business channels transactional. Faced with the pandemic reality and the analysis of the effects it generates, the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean have taken rapid and important measures to respond in the initial stage of the crisis by adopting economic policies to mitigate its effects, which has motivated the preference of the use of digital media, Following this global trend in Ecuador the number of users who make online transactions has multiplied, The COVID-19 has substantially transformed the reality of e-commerce at a global level so that the Accelerating the rate of adoption of non-face-to-face purchases is a propitious context in the midst of the crisis to stimulate the economic sectors and allow companies to innovate and reinvent themselves in this new environment.
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