The theoretical integration and practice in the subject of literacy in the course of pedagogy

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Cristiane Rocha


The choice of this topic was due to the observation and contact with students of the pedagogy course, because it has been perceived that they need to look for improvement courses due to the lack of practice and theory to teach in the literacy classes and that is necessary understand why this happens, because it is perceived that this does not only happen in some universities, but in the majority. There was also a setback in the formation of the present thesis, to which they needed to look for higher extension courses, in the area of ​​literacy to learn about this process so important for educators and also for students. In this way, we see the need to involve theory with practice, but we must analyze how to do this process and which path to follow.


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How to Cite
Rocha, C. (2017). The theoretical integration and practice in the subject of literacy in the course of pedagogy. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 2(5), 14-21. Retrieved from


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