Interoperability: Efficient Integration of Power BI, CentOS, and Android with RemoDB for Business Intelligence

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Luis Rene Quisaguano-Collaguazo
Gladys Esquivel
Andres Josue Chicaiza-Aguayo
Santiago Javier Llambo-Alvarez


Interoperability is a key challenge in the integration of heterogeneous enterprise systems. This study addresses the efficient implementation of Power BI, CentOS and Android with RemoDB to improve business processes. An integration model based on RESTful architectures and real-time communication is proposed, optimizing data processing and analysis. The research explores connectivity and synchronization methods between Android devices, CentOS servers and Power BI, ensuring secure and efficient data transfer. Strategies to reduce data query latency by optimizing NoSQL databases in RemoDB and configuring high-performance APIs are analyzed. The results show improvements in dynamic data visualization, allowing companies to make real-time decisions based on key metrics. In addition, the compatibility of the tools is validated through performance and scalability testing in enterprise environments. This study extends previous research on platform integration for business intelligence, highlighting the efficiency of RemoDB over traditional solutions. The findings underscore the importance of flexible and scalable architectures in data analytics environments. With this proposal, we contribute to the optimization of business processes through the interoperability of multiple technology platforms. 


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How to Cite
Quisaguano-Collaguazo , L. ., Esquivel-Paula , G. ., Chicaiza-Aguayo , A. ., & Llambo-Alvarez , S. . (2025). Interoperability: Efficient Integration of Power BI, CentOS, and Android with RemoDB for Business Intelligence . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(2), 569-582.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Luis Rene Quisaguano-Collaguazo , Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi - Ecuador

Computer Science and Computer Systems Engineer, Master in Information Systems from the Technical University of Cotopaxi. Professor of the Information Systems career at the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Investigates topics related to the modeling of information systems through Software Development in web, mobile, hybrid and Business Intelligence environments.

Gladys Esquivel, Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi - Ecuador

Computer Science and Computer Systems Engineer from the Technical University of Cotopaxi, Master in Information Systems from the State University of Milagro. Professor of the Information Systems career at the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences of the UTC La Mana extension. Investigates topics related to the modeling of information systems through Software Development in web, mobile, hybrid and Business Intelligence environments.

Andres Josue Chicaiza-Aguayo , Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi - Ecuador

I have a strong background in academic research, having successfully completed several projects. I excel in effectively applying scientific methodologies and am committed to continuous learning. Throughout my experience, I have tackled important topics in my research, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in my field of study and demonstrating a solid commitment to academic development.

Santiago Javier Llambo-Alvarez , Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi - Ecuador

I have a solid foundation in academic research, resulting in the successful completion of several projects. I stand out for my ability to help people without expecting anything in return. Throughout my career, I have addressed relevant topics in my research, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in my field of study and demonstrating a firm commitment to academic development and ultimately obtaining new knowledge in areas of which I had no knowledge. 


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