Degree in Social Work and the Student Perception of the Online Modality

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Linda Morelia Guacho-Pincay


The student perception allows us to have an elementary vision of the development of education in the area where we wish to analyse and establish actions that promote significant change from any area of relevance. The aim of the research was to analyse the career of Social Work and the student perception of the online modality. For the development of the research, a quantitative approach, interpretative level of research, with a community perspective and field research, was used as survey techniques and descriptive analysis. The results indicate that the students chose the course of Social Work at the institution because it has a flexible timetable and the contents developed by the teachers are sufficient for this type of modality. It is concluded that it is necessary to carry out continuous evaluations on the development of the course during the student's training, and also to promote the use of technological resources in didactic strategies and online learning. 


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How to Cite
Guacho-Pincay , L. (2025). Degree in Social Work and the Student Perception of the Online Modality . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(2), 559-568.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

Linda Morelia Guacho-Pincay , Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí - Ecuador 

Master in Social Health Management and Intervention (International University of La Rioja), Bachelor in Social Work (Technical University of Manabí). He works as a Professor of the Social Work Career Online modality. 


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