The right to education of university students during maternity and breastfeeding periods

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Jenny Marilú Suarez-Vargas
Esthela Paulina Silva-Barrera


In Ecuador, university mothers have the right to receive education during maternity and breastfeeding periods, supported by the Constitution and international agreements. There are laws such as the Organic Health Law and the Code of Childhood and Adolescence that protect this right. Although there is a favorable legal framework, the Organic Law of Higher Education and its Regulations do not contain specific provisions to guarantee this right, which can lead to its violation. It is necessary to address this situation and ensure the adequate protection of the rights of university mothers. The research was based on a qualitative approach and used analytical and deductive methods, as well as bibliographic and documentary techniques to gather information about the current legislation. It was concluded that the right to breastfeeding is a multi-hold right that involves both mothers and children. It is essential to establish clear provisions in university regulations to guarantee this right and protect university mothers during their maternity and breastfeeding period.


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How to Cite
Suarez-Vargas, J., & Silva-Barrera, E. (2024). The right to education of university students during maternity and breastfeeding periods. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3-1), 59-71. Retrieved from
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Author Biographies

Jenny Marilú Suarez-Vargas, Universidad Indoamerica - Ecuador


Jenny Marilú Suarez Vargas, was born in the city of Puyo, province of Pastaza on May 8, 1993, an eighth-semester student of the Law School of the Indoamérica University, currently working as a public official in the area of the Attorney General's Office Union of the Santa Clara canton, Province of Pastaza, my experience in writing this article was very satisfactory since it contributes to seeking guarantees that protect university mothers in periods of lactation and the rights of their children.

Esthela Paulina Silva-Barrera, Universidad Indoamerica - Ecuador


Esthela Paulina Silva Barrera, Lawyer of the Courts of the Republic of Ecuador (Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes “UNIANDES”), International Master in Law-Tax Law Mention, Senior Specialist and Master in Business Law (Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar) . She has participated in several courses, workshops and seminars. She has carried out work in the free exercise of her profession as well as in the public sector, in which she served as Solicitor and Head of Zonal Legal Departments 9 (Quito) and 3 (Ambato) of the Internal Revenue Service, for the period 8 years old. Currently, she teaches at the Indoamérica Technological University, Ambato campus; In addition, she to provide her professional services through consulting, advice and sponsorship in administrative and judicial disputes.


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