The regulation of the right to ρrivacy in the age of technology and digitalization in Ecuador
Main Article Content
This article analyzes the problem of the right to privacy in the era of technology and digitization in Ecuador from a legal and social perspective. The effectiveness of the legislation is examined, since, despite the regulatory advances and the efforts made to protect the right to privacy in the digital age, challenges and concerns persist, such as the indiscriminate use of surveillance technologies and the lack of awareness of users when using digital technology. In addition, the importance of creating awareness among people who handle personal data is emphasized, both for those who provide it and for those who receive it. In this context, in this article a qualitative methodology has been used, which allowed to deepen the regulation of the right to privacy, addressing issues related to the evolution and use of digital technology, by society, background of the right to privacy internationally and the measures they should take to raise awareness about the use of personal information. Finally, it was concluded that the omnipresence of digital technologies, although it benefits communication, brings concerns about the protection of personal data, increasing risks such as identity theft.
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