The relevance of informed consent in medical criminal liability: Legal systems in the Andean Community.

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Mayra del Carmen Asitimbay-Márquez
Julio Adrián Molleturo-Jiménez


This study analyzes the importance of informed consent in medical criminal liability within the Andean Community, focusing on the legal systems of Colombia, Peru and Bolivia. The problem lies in the diversity of regulations on informed consent, which poses challenges to protect patient rights and establish legal responsibilities for health professionals. The objective is to perform a comparative analysis of national regulations and court cases, identifying differences and gaps that could improve the quality of medical care. An exhaustive review of literature, court rulings and regional comparative regulations was carried out. The results highlight how the absence or deficiency in the information provided to the patient has resulted in judicial sanctions and highlights the need for regional harmonization. The conclusion indicates that a homogeneous regulatory framework would strengthen medical practice in the region and reduce malpractice cases, guaranteeing patient rights.


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How to Cite
Asitimbay-Márquez, M., & Molleturo-Jiménez, J. (2025). The relevance of informed consent in medical criminal liability: Legal systems in the Andean Community. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1-1), 20-36.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Mayra del Carmen Asitimbay-Márquez, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

Mayra del Carmen Asitimbay Márquez is a general practitioner and has a degree in nursing. She has a master's degree in Bioethics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador and is currently pursuing postgraduate studies in Medical Law at the Universidad Católica de Cuenca. She has participated in multiple international congresses and workshops in bioethics and health sciences. Her interest in research is reflected in her publication on prescription and counseling in physical activity in primary care, contributing to the strengthening of ethical practices in the health field

Julio Adrián Molleturo-Jiménez, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Courts of Justice of the Republic, Magister in Medical Law and Magister in Stock Market and Insurance Financial Law, professor of Insurance Law and Medical Civil Responsibility of the Master in Medical Law of the Catholic University of Cuenca since 2022.


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Dinka Sago, I. V. (2023). Criminal and Civil Aspects of Healthcare Worker Liability For Medical Malpractice in Croatia. Medicine, Law & Society, 16(2), 319–351.

Galán Gutiérrez, J. C., & Galán Cortés, J. C. (2014). Consentimiento informado en anestesiología: La antelación suficiente como requisito de validez. Revista Espanola de Anestesiologia y Reanimacion, 61(2), 94–100.

García Huayama, J. C. (2016). Responsabilidad civil médica y consentimiento informado. Derecho y Cambio Social.│

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Pizarro-Wilson, C. (2021). Information obligations of radiologists. In Revista Chilena de Radiologia (Vol. 27, Issue 4, pp. 160–163). Sociedad Chilena de Radiologia.

Principios y Buenas Prácticas Sobre La Protección de Las Personas Privadas de Libertad En Las Américas (2008).

Rego, S., Grove, M. E., Cho, M. K., & Ormond, K. E. (2020). Informed consent in the genomics era. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine, 10(8), 1–13.

Rosales, M. (2021). Comunicación en la relación médico - paciente. Vida y Etica, 22, 9–26.

Sánchez, M. (2021). Consentimiento Informado y Capacidad para Decidir. In M. Sánchez (Ed.), Bioética en Ciencias de la Salud (2nd ed., pp. 187–191). Elsevier.

Secretaria General de la Comunidad Andina. (2022). Somos CAN.

Tsai, H. S., Lee, T. L., Hsuan, C. F., & Liang, H. W. (2022). Impact of the medical care act amendment on the medical malpractice litigation in Taiwan. Medicine (United States), 101(46), E31564.

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