Strategies to promote entrepreneurship in ESPAM MFL graduates

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Kerlly Viviana Tinizaray-Bravo
Gladys Narcisa Vera-Plaza
María José Valarezo-Molina
Baly Ilovasky Vera-Montenegro



This article aimed to propose strategies to strengthen entrepreneurial initiative in Espam MFL graduates, focusing on the factors that predispose entrepreneurship. The nature of the research was qualitative in nature since it allowed an in-depth dissertation of the study phenomenon. Likewise, methods that will contribute relevantly to the research were used, such as inductive, deductive, descriptive, and exploratory, providing a holistic, comprehensive and general vision of the research. Analytical tools such as the External Factors Evaluation (EFE), Internal Factors Evaluation (EFI) matrices were also used to identify the endogenous and exogenous aspects that affect business culture. The strategies proposed in the objective deployment and reorientation matrix seek not only to strengthen the entrepreneurial culture within the university, but also to improve the support infrastructure and access to financing sources, contributing to the creation of companies and the consolidation of an entrepreneurial ecosystem. Based on the findings, institutional strategies were proposed through the 5w+ 1h tool to promote the entrepreneurial spirit in graduates, facilitating the generation of entrepreneurship. The results indicated that the university entrepreneurial culture is a determining factor in the entrepreneurial intentions of graduates, since an adequate institutional environment acts as a motivation engine for those interested in developing entrepreneurial projects. more consolidated.


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How to Cite
Tinizaray-Bravo , K. ., Vera-Plaza , G. ., Valarezo-Molina , M. ., & Vera-Montenegro , B. . (2025). Strategies to promote entrepreneurship in ESPAM MFL graduates. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(2), 130-139.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Kerlly Viviana Tinizaray-Bravo , Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí “Manuel Felix López” - Ecuador

Graduated from the Business Administration Degree at the “Manuel Félix López” Higher Polytechnic Agricultural School of Manabí. 

Member of the Espam MFL entrepreneurship club, treasurer of the business administration degree in the periods October 2023 - February 2024 / April - August 2024 

Gladys Narcisa Vera-Plaza , Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí “Manuel Felix López” - Ecuador  

Graduated from the Business Administration Degree at the “Manuel Félix López” Higher Polytechnic Agricultural School of Manabí. 

María José Valarezo-Molina , Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí “Manuel Felix López” - Ecuador

University teacher in the Business Administration Degree at the Manuel Félix López Higher Polytechnic Agricultural School of Manabí 


Researcher in topics of Entrepreneurship, Human Talent Management, Agroproductive Companies, and Sustainable Local Development 

Baly Ilovasky Vera-Montenegro , Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí “Manuel Felix López” - Ecuador

Research Professor, Full-Time Principal Professor in the Business Administration Degree at the Manuel Félix López Higher Polytechnic Agricultural School of Manabí. 

Researcher and Author of several publications on topics of Public Policy, Entrepreneurship, Management, Planning, and Finance 


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