Characterization of craft entrepreneurships of the city of Cuenca. Case: home decorations

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Mónica Alexandra Lituma-Yascaribay
Rolando Patricio Andrade-Amoroso
Daniel Jacobo Andrade-Pesantez


In Ecuador, the artisanal sector is one of those that contributes the most dynamism to the country's economy, generating employment and economic growth at the local and national level. Among the organizations that support this sector can be identified the National Board of Defense of the Artisan which is an autonomous organism to support and control the artisans whose mission is to strengthen their activities. The artisan sector of the city of Cuenca, province of Azuay, has had significant growth in recent years, artisans have empirically managed the development of their activities due to the lack of application of an effective management model, this sector has seen affected in its profitability, in financial operations and control of resources. The objective of this work is to determine the most relevant characteristics under the consequences of the Ecuadorian artisanal sector, specifically in the city of Cuenca, developed, focused above all on the production of home decorations. The methodology had a qualitative approach with a descriptive scope, the type of investigation was non-experimental because the information obtained from the bibliographic review was processed without analysis by the researchers. Among the main results, the following can be specified: most of this sector has a formal registry, invests its own capital for production, has large installed capacity, which in times of underutilization reduced its profitability since the profit margin ranges from 0% to 5%, which brings as a reduction, a reduction in the number of craft ventures, and a reduction in contracts for apprentice artisans. It is important to keep in mind that this sector has several tax and labor benefits, as well as there are financial institutions that grant credits according to the needs of artisans. In conclusion, it would be very important for artisans to train in accounting-financial management tools to improve their skills and increase their profitability.


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How to Cite
Lituma, M., Andrade, R., & Andrade, D. (2020). Characterization of craft entrepreneurships of the city of Cuenca. Case: home decorations. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(5), 195-205.
Author Biographies

Mónica Alexandra Lituma-Yascaribay, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Monica Alexandra Lituma Yascaribay, an accountant with 16 years of experience in private companies, currently teaching the career of the account and audit of the Catholic University of Cuenca, in the research field to collaborate in some related to his profession.

Rolando Patricio Andrade-Amoroso, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Business Engineer, Public Accountant, Auditor, Master in Business Administration mention Human Resources and Marketing, PhD student at the University of Zulia Venezuela Doctorate in Social Sciences mention Management Eight years as a University Professor,

Expert of the Council of the Judiciary, co-author in some scientific articles

Daniel Jacobo Andrade-Pesantez, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Director of the research project "The impact of E-Money in the SMEs of the city of Cuenca"


1 Book Chapter published

1 Scientific Article published


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