Inquiry-Based Biology Teaching: Fostering Critical Thinking and Autonomy

Main Article Content

Liliana Lucía Fiallos-Núñez
Anabel Katherine Pazmiño-Navarrete
Diego Escobar-Bermudes
Lilian Camaño-Carballo


Introduction: Inquiry-based teaching strategies have recently introduced innovation in teaching and learning methods in biology, promoting active and meaningful learning among students. The integration of critical thinking, investigative curiosity, and problem-solving skills is essential. Therefore, connecting scientific concepts with real-world problems and the educational environment becomes highly relevant. Objective: This study analyzes the impact of inquiry strategies on biology learning. Methodology: A bibliographic and content analysis was conducted, examining research and educational experiences from diverse contexts. Results: The implementation of inquiry-centered methodologies leads to significant improvements in critical reasoning, ecological awareness, and the development of scientific research and communication skills. Challenges such as limited resources and the need to redefine the dynamics between teachers and students were identified. Tangible solutions, including material adaptation and the incorporation of local issues, were proposed. Conclusion: Inquiry in biology provides essential knowledge, fosters autonomy and critical thinking, and strengthens collaboration between teachers and students. Despite its challenges, its implementation represents a powerful tool to transform the educational process and prepare students for a complex and ever-evolving world.


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How to Cite
Fiallos-Núñez , L., Pazmiño-Navarrete , A. ., Escobar-Bermudes , D. ., & Camaño-Carballo , L. . (2025). Inquiry-Based Biology Teaching: Fostering Critical Thinking and Autonomy . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1-2), 171-184.
Author Biographies

Liliana Lucía Fiallos-Núñez , Unidad Educativa Hispano America - Ecuador  


I am a Biochemical Engineer with a solid academic and professional background. I hold a Master’s Degree in Integrated Management Systems for Occupational Risk Prevention, Quality, Environment, and Corporate Social Responsibility, which has allowed me to acquire specialized knowledge in key areas for organizational improvement and sustainable development. 

Additionally, I have completed a Master’s program in Administration and Educational Planning, strengthening my competencies in strategic management and the planning of educational processes. 

I have over 10 years of experience in the field of teaching, working with dedication to shape students, foster their integral development, and promote academic excellence. 


Anabel Katherine Pazmiño-Navarrete , Unidad Educativa Pedro Fermín Cevallos - Ecuador 

Anabel Pazmiño is a teacher of General Basic Education with a Master's degree in Language and Literature. She has experience working in private and public educational institutions, and currently works at the Pedro Fermín Cevallos Educational Unit. Anabel has led groups of students from early ages to adolescents, motivating the reading habit and research. 

Diego Escobar-Bermudes , Unidad Educativa Pedro Fermín Cevallos - Ecuador

He is an Ecuadorian professional committed to education and social development. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Human and Educational Sciences, as well as a Law degree qualifying him as an Attorney for the Courts and Tribunals of Ecuador. He also holds a Master's degree in Educational Research, which underscores his strong academic background and his interest in making meaningful contributions to the educational field. His research focuses on reading and literature, promoting critical and creative thinking through the analysis and enjoyment of texts. 

Currently, he works as a full-time teacher at the Pedro Fermín Cevallos Educational Unit, where he combines his pedagogical expertise with his passion for teaching. His professional trajectory includes work at the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion, where he participated in initiatives aimed at improving the well-being of the most vulnerable communities. With this interdisciplinary experience, Escobar Bermúdez has developed a comprehensive approach to his professional endeavors, standing out as a leader in education and social responsibility. 


Lilian Camaño-Carballo , Carrera de Salud. Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Salud - Cuba

Lilian Camaño Carballo is an accomplished healthcare professional with an extensive academic and teaching career. She holds a Doctor of Medicine degree earned in Cuba, with a specialization in Gastroenterology. Throughout her career, she has enhanced her expertise through various courses and workshops, with a focus on advanced management of gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, and cognitive impairment, among other areas. Additionally, she has actively participated in academic conferences and seminars, both as an organizer and speaker. In the educational field, Lilian has taught specialized courses in endoscopy and higher medical education, strengthening her experience in improving teaching and learning processes in health sciences. Currently, she serves as a full-time faculty member at the Faculty of Health and Human Well-Being, leading training programs in Nursing and maintaining a steadfast commitment to education and scientific research. Her academic contributions include publications in indexed journals such as Scopus and Latindex, focusing on innovative topics in public health and medical care. 


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