The Basic Human Goods in John Finnis's Legal Philosophy and their Projections on the Interpretation of Human Rights.

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Paola Doménica Jaramillo-Coronel


John Finnis's legal philosophy, focused on the theory of basic human goods, provides a fundamental perspective for analyzing human rights. These goods, intrinsic and universal, such as life, knowledge, and sociability, form the ethical and legal core for ensuring human flourishing. This study examines the relevance of these goods in diverse legal systems, highlighting tensions between universal principles and particular contexts, with emphasis on the Ecuadorian case. Additionally, it evaluates the theoretical and practical contributions of this theory in landmark cases of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, such as Gelman vs. Uruguay and Pueblo Saramaka vs. Surinam. The research concludes that basic human goods not only uphold dignity and justice but are essential for overcoming ethical and normative limitations in contemporary legal systems.


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How to Cite
Jaramillo-Coronel, P. (2024). The Basic Human Goods in John Finnis’s Legal Philosophy and their Projections on the Interpretation of Human Rights. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6-1), 38-52.
Author Biography

Paola Doménica Jaramillo-Coronel, Universidad Internacional SEK - Ecuador


Doctorate in Juridical Sciences from UCSF, Argentina. Master in Law with mention in Administrative Procedural Law and Oral Litigation (IAEN). Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals (UIDE). Full-time professor at Universidad Internacional SEK Ecuador and practicing lawyer with extensive experience in the public and private sector.


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