The use of educational podcasts to complement learning in the classroom

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Dayana Michelle Viscarra-Muñoz
Yessenia Alejandra Ninacuri-Moya
Andrea Estefanía Ortiz-Barrionuevo
Diego Iván Escobar-Bermúdes


Introduction: The use of educational podcasts as a complementary tool in the classroom has gained popularity due to its flexibility and accessibility. Objective: The objective is to analyze how traditional learning can be transformed through additional content that can be listened to at any time and place, promoting student autonomy and allowing teachers to diversify their teaching methods by incorporating external voices and perspectives that enrich the lessons. Methodology: The study was based on content analysis and a literature review on the use of educational podcasts and complementary technological tools. Results: The main results show that podcasts allow students to learn outside the classroom, providing additional educational content. This resource is particularly useful for reinforcing concepts, exploring additional topics, and offering different approaches to the same content. Through podcasts, teachers can expand the scope of their lessons by incorporating diverse voices and perspectives, allowing students to access information anytime and anywhere. Additionally, students can review the material at their own pace, which benefits those with different learning styles.
Conclusion: Podcasts promote the development of listening skills and oral comprehension, which are key aspects of the educational process. Their use in the classroom not only complements learning but also enhances student motivation and autonomy.


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How to Cite
Viscarra-Muñoz , D. ., Ninacuri-Moya , Y. ., Ortiz-Barrionuevo , A. ., & Escobar-Bermúdes , D. . (2025). The use of educational podcasts to complement learning in the classroom . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1-2), 20-35.
Author Biographies

Dayana Michelle Viscarra-Muñoz , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Student of the Basic Education program at the Indoamérica Technological University, Ecuador. I am passionate about researching activities that involve the use of educational didactic applications that can be implemented at all levels of education to achieve teaching from a new perspective. 

Yessenia Alejandra Ninacuri-Moya , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Student of the Basic Education program at the Indoamérica Technological University, Ecuador. I am inspired by the development of innovative pedagogical strategies that enhance learning in basic education. I am interested in integrating cultural and artistic approaches into teaching to contribute to the holistic development of students. 

Andrea Estefanía Ortiz-Barrionuevo , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Student of the Basic Education Program at the Indoamérica Technological University, Ecuador. I am excited about the increase in research that facilitates and improves teaching in the area of basic education, while I am also interested in enhancing social topics to have a realistic approach from education for the world. 

Diego Iván Escobar-Bermúdes , Unidad Educativa Pedro Fermín Cevallos - Ecuador

Ecuadorian professional committed to education and social development. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Human and Educational Sciences, as well as a Law degree for the Courts and Tribunals of Ecuador. He holds a Master's degree in Educational Research, which supports his solid academic background and his interest in making significant contributions to the educational field. His research focuses on reading and literature, promoting critical and creative thinking through the analysis and enjoyment of texts. He is currently a full-time teacher at the Pedro Fermín Cevallos Educational Unit, where he combines his pedagogical experience with his passion for teaching. His professional trajectory includes his work at the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion, where he worked on initiatives aimed at the well-being of the most vulnerable communities. With this interdisciplinary experience, Escobar Bermúdez has consolidated a comprehensive approach in his professional work, standing out as a reference in education and social responsibility. 


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