New public management as an integral model of organizational culture in local public administration
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The main objective of the research consisted of interpreting the components of the New Public Management that make it possible to improve the organizational culture in the local public administration; having as specific objectives: to contextualize the model of the New Public Management in the local public administration; and, to reflect on the proposal of the New Public Management as an integral model of the organizational culture. The methodology applied is of qualitative approach and inductive method, in addition to the instrumentation of an interpretative-hermeneutic method, with a design, as well as a documentary review strategy. The data collection instrument has been direct observation and bibliographic consultation, incorporating a qualitative content analysis as a data analysis technique, as well as the triangulation between the narrative of the concepts found. In addition to linking the theories that support the themes proposed in the research, added to the researchers' own criteria. Three findings emerge from the triangulation that give the following aspects: 1.- More decentralized public policies, 2.- Managerial instruments for public management, and 3.- Transparency and Accountability. Among the main conclusions is the fact that the NPM is not fully consolidated in a region such as Latin America, due to its high managerial content, although its postulates are announced in a number of countries.
Key words: public administration, organizational culture, new public management
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