Influence of gamification on the academic performance of tenth grade students, in Basic General Education, In Mathematics

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Silvana Carolina Bustamante-Jumbo
Juan Pablo Alvarez-Chamba
Edith Noriega
Isaac Roger-Martínez


Gamification is an educational strategy that uses various dynamics such as games, competitions, rewards and feedback to motivate and integrate students into their training process through digital means. The main objective of the research is to determine the level of influence of gamification on the academic performance of tenth grade parallel "A" students of the Julio Isaac Espinosa Ochoa institution, in Unit No. 1 called Real Numbers of the Mathematics subject in the period 2024 - 2025. The method applied was inductive-deductive and to obtain the empirical material, an experimental group and a control group were used for the respective analysis. The significance value obtained is 0.053, which is higher than the alpha level of the research, which is 0.05. Under this result, the null hypothesis posed is accepted. Therefore, it is concluded that gamification does influence the academic performance of tenth-year parallel “A” students, because gamification has the potential to improve academic performance and its effectiveness depends on the design of each activity and the alignment with the learning objectives. Teachers are recommended to include gamified digital activities in the educational process of students, and it is suggested that they take urgent measures and implement inclusion strategies to combat the digital divide in order to ensure that all students have the same learning opportunities and can take advantage of the benefits of gamification.


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How to Cite
Bustamante-Jumbo , S. ., Alvarez-Chamba, J. ., Noriega , E., & Roger-Martínez , I. (2025). Influence of gamification on the academic performance of tenth grade students, in Basic General Education, In Mathematics. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(2), 205-217.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Silvana Carolina Bustamante-Jumbo , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Master's student in Education with a mention in Digital Environments at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador (UBE).  

Commercial Engineer with a major in Business Administration / Technical University of Machala (UTMACH).  

Teacher at the Puyango Canton Professional Drivers School. 

Participant of the UTMACH research project called “GMP Knowledge Management: Current state of industrial companies on the Ecuadorian coast” during the years 2019-2020.  

Participant of the UTMACH research project called “Intellectual Capital and its impact on the production of Banana producing companies” during the years 2019-2021.  

Author of the research “Dynamic capabilities generating added value in agroindustrial companies in the province of El Oro” in 2022. 

Juan Pablo Alvarez-Chamba , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Atty. In Education Sciences with a Physics - Mathematics mention obtained at the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, I provide my teaching services at the Fiscomisional Educational Unit PCEI Hno. Angel Pastrana Corral, from 2010 to date, in the same one that I teach the subjects of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, in addition to this since 2014 I have been fulfilling the role of Sub Inspector in the institution.

Likewise, since 2021 I have been providing my professional services at the Puyango Driver Training School, where I have held the positions of Pedagogical Director and Inspector.

I have more than 15 years of experience in teaching and I am willing to continue preparing myself in the field of teaching to meet all quality standards as a teacher.

Edith Noriega , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Researcher specialized in Higher Education topics especially related to university policy, science and technology, evaluation and university accreditation. Student of the profession and academic culture. CLACSO GT Member “Politicized Social Science”. Undergraduate and postgraduate teacher at different universities in Argentina. Director of Consolidated Research Project at UNSL. Director of the scientific publication: Journal of Research and Disciplines. Director of the Specialization in Research in Social and Human Sciences, FCH-UNSL (2016-2021). Director of the Postgraduate Academic Diploma: “Pedagogical training in digital scenarios: teaching, learning and evaluating at the university” (UNViMe). Academic Planning Coordinator, Rectorate, UNViMe. Main publications in recent years: “The academic profession in Argentina: pre-pandemic configurations.” Education magazine. No. 24.2. Year XII (2021); “The public in Argentine Universities. “The traces of the Reformation.” In: The commemoration of the 1918 reform, news and debate. NEU (2018); “The epistemological question and the methodological question 1. Possible dialogues and a pending debate.” NEU (2019).

Isaac Roger-Martínez , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

He holds a Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences, a Master's degree in Educational Research, a Specialist degree in Pedagogy and Psychology, and a Doctorate in Pedagogical Sciences. He has worked in various higher education institutions, both national and international, including the University of Pedagogical Sciences "Frank País García," the University of Physical Culture Sciences, the Higher Institute of Art, the University of Oriente in Santiago de Cuba, the Bolivarian University Institute of Technology, and currently at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador.

With 28 years of professional experience, he has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses. He has supervised more than 60 master's theses and 10 doctoral dissertations, focusing on teacher training, attention to educational diversity, didactics, and virtual education. His participation in prestigious international events and his publications in journals recognized by the pedagogical community highlight his scientific and research work.

In the field of virtual education, he has obtained the following certifications:

  • Specialization in Design and Development of Virtual Courses, ITMadrid, Spain.
  • Certification in Virtual Teaching, Benito Juárez University, Mexico.
  • Certification in Instructional Design and E-learning Project Management, Benito Juárez University, Mexico.

These certifications have allowed him to strengthen his pedagogical competencies to work as a specialist in the design and development of online education. He has developed the curriculum design for careers and programs in the field of education with an innovative approach and aligned with current trends in teacher training. He leads the project on Didactics and Educational Management in Basic Education, which received the award for the project with the highest number of publications in 2023 by the Bolivarian University of Ecuador.


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