The adoption procedure in the administrative phase against the principle of the best interest of the child in Ecuador

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Edwin Alexander León-Castillo
Yanet Nápoles-Nápoles


The Ecuadorian Constitution of 2008 protects and guarantees the fundamental rights of children and adolescents, recognizing them as full subjects of rights, in order to ensure their full development. This special protection reflects a comprehensive approach to guarantee a safe and favorable environment for children in Ecuador, prioritizing the best interests of the child, with the purpose of making these rights effective. In this sense, adoption allows children to have access to a family and guarantee their well-being, but in practice the administrative process turns out to be very slow, which can significantly violate their rights. In light of this, this article has been developed, whose research question is: To what extent does the adoption procedure in the administrative phase guarantee the principle of the best interests of the child in Ecuador?, with the central objective of delving into essential aspects of the adoption procedure in the administrative phase, determining how the principle of the best interests of the child is guaranteed. Among the main points analyzed are: 1- Legal protection of the rights of girls, boys and adolescents in Ecuador; 2- The principle of the best interest of the child in the Ecuadorian legal system; 3- Adoption as a guarantee of protection of the rights of children and adolescents in Ecuador; 4- Requirements for the adoption of minors in Ecuador; 5- Adoption procedure in the administrative phase. Critical analysis. The study was developed under the qualitative approach and the dogmatic, historical, analytical and inductive methods, which allowed to analyze the legal norm, sentences and other documents that are related to the research. The results obtained reflect that the adoption procedure in the administrative phase is not effective and violates the best interest of the child, due to the obstacles that prevent the adoption from being developed efficiently.


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How to Cite
León-Castillo, E. ., & Nápoles-Nápoles, Y. . (2025). The adoption procedure in the administrative phase against the principle of the best interest of the child in Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1-1), 217-230.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Edwin Alexander León-Castillo, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

- Master of the Postgraduate Program in Procedural Law and Oral Litigation at the Universidad Indoamérica, Quito headquarters. - Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic. - Member of the legal firm Specilist Lawyer. - Lawyer in free practice.

Yanet Nápoles-Nápoles, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Law degree Magister in Constitutional Law Diploma in Business Management (GESTA 2010) Diploma in University Teaching and Research (CIFE 2020) Research: Chapter: -A look at fundamental rights from the perspective of the Ecuadorian Constitution of 2008, Chapter of the book "Rights in the Ecuadorian Constitution of 2008. Contributions from multidisciplinarity ”, Editorial CEP, Quito, Ecuador, 2020, ISBN: 978- 9942- 10-589-9. Chapter: -Theoretical notes about economic rights, social and cultural rights and the right to social security, Chapter of the book "Notes of the Ecuadorian legal reality: rights, justice and enforceability”, Editorial CEP, Quito, Ecuador, 2021, ISBN: 978-9942-10- 647-6. Articles: -The Socioformative Educational Model: an Alternative for Sustainable Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean. In L.G. Juárez- Hernández (Coord.), Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Socioformation and Society of the Knowledge (CISFOR-2019. Mexico: CIFE). -Improvement of the training project of the methodology of the Scientific research, in the Law degree, through formative action research. Ecocience, 1 (2), 1-21. Download from: (2019)


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