Advisory Opinion No. 24/17 as a mechanism to make same-parent adoption viable in Ecuador

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Nathaly Daniela Masabanda-Paucar
Javier Fernando Villacrés-López


This work is developed in response to the question: How can Advisory Opinion No 24/17 of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights serve as a mechanism to make homoparental adoption viable in Ecuador, considering the social, cultural and legal context of the country? To answer this, it is necessary to analyze the homoparental adoption in Ecuador, based on the analysis of the current situation regarding the cultural, legal, traditional and social position that exists in the Ecuadorian society versus the already recognized equal marriage and all that this figure repre-sents. It will be required the respective regulatory and structural contingent on behalf of the State in order to consider the feasibility and the origin of the homoparental adoption in Ecuador as a referral to Advisory Opinion 24/17. The following are addressed in the main points of analysis: 1-Social, cultural and legal context of adoption in Ecuador; 2.- Nature of Advisory Opinion OC-24/17; 3.- Same-sex marriage in Ecuador as a starting point towards equality; 4- Homoparental adoption from the perspective of comparative law; 5.- Challenges of same-sex adoption in Ecua-dor. In such a way, it is concluded the possibility and evident necessity of the application and institution of a homoparental adoption in Ecuador, taking the arguments of the Advisory Opi-nion 24/17 and generating the logical roadmap of attention.


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How to Cite
Masabanda-Paucar, N. ., & Villacrés-López, J. . (2025). Advisory Opinion No. 24/17 as a mechanism to make same-parent adoption viable in Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1-1), 86-99.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Nathaly Daniela Masabanda-Paucar, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Postgraduate student in the Program of Procedural Law and Litigation at Universidad Indoamérica, Quito campus. Attorney of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic, with experience in the field of corporate law and the collections area, she is currently providing her services in the legal area of ​​ARS INTERNACIONAL , has worked in several legal firms and as an intern in the National Directorate of Procedural Management of the Judicial Council, in the Mediation Center of the Ecuadorian Navy and in the Civil Judicial Unit based in the Rumiñahui canton. 

Javier Fernando Villacrés-López, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Procedural Law and oral Litigation at the University Indoamerica, Quito campus. Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic, with a postgraduate diploma and master's degree in law with a specialization in constitutional law from the Andean Simón Bolívar University, currently a doctoral candidate in Law at the same university where he carries out extensive research. He is a guest lecturer in the master's programs in constitutional law at various universities in the country, He has participated as a tutor in investigation projects, and has also worked in private constitutional advocacy. He has served as an advisor to the Constitutional Court of Ecuador, National Director of Judicial Sponsorship at the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, and delegate to the Board of Directors of the National Development Corporation (CFN). 


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