Comparative study, through learning analytics in the use of Scratch versus traditional methodology
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The problems in the teaching – learning mathematics´ process at the high school level is the implementing strategies difficulty for teaching methods adapting to the needs for students and creating a learning environment that fosters motivation.
Of Scratch versus traditional methodology, from the analysis of learning supported by digital teaching resources to achieve transformation in the mathematics´ learning for Ecuadorian students in the high school. The methodology used is quantitative with a type of study with an analytical observational design, which was used in two moments, the first, traditional methodology was applied and in the second, the Scratch teaching resources, where theoretical methods were used such as analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive and mathematical statistical methods, descriptive and inferential statistics
The result obtained from the research demonstrated a positive relationship to the use of Scratch in the teaching – learning process in the mathematical field, denoting a significant improvement in the EG than in the CG in the topics covered. It is concluded that the use of Scratch in the mathematics´ teaching presents significant benefits in the learning because it promotes more active, motivating and creative learning compared to the traditional methodology
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