Effective Assessment in Online Education: “Analysis of Electrical Circuits through Calculated Questions in Moodle”

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Alejandro Sebastián Sánchez-Mendoza
Susana Beatriz Mendoza-Angulo
Nathalie Calderón-Saldaña
Miguel Ángel Lema-Carrera
Enrique Mauricio Barreno-Avila


Currently, the demand for enrollment in higher education institutions has experienced significant growth, resulting in a series of challenges for universities that have been compelled to adapt both their infrastructure and the capacity of their faculty. In this context, the creation and expansion of online programs has been considered, which not only increases the academic offering but also provides students with the flexibility to access education from anywhere and at any time. However, a major obstacle in this modality is the assessment of students. To address this challenge, the generation of randomly calculated questions for evaluation is proposed, allowing for the development of personalized quizzes based on parameters set by the instructor. This approach facilitates the automatic production of variations in questions during exams. By using this type of questioning, the likelihood of students copying answers from their peers is significantly reduced, as each will receive different values in their questions, compelling them to have a solid understanding of concepts, processes, and formulas to solve the exercises. The learning management system (LMS) Moodle enables the creation of this type of question in XML format; however, the available information for its development is very limited. For this reason, this article provides a guide for its application in the field of electrical circuits. 


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Mendoza , A., Mendoza-Angulo , S. ., Calderón-Saldaña , N. ., Lema-Carrera , M. ., & Barreno-Avila , E. . (2025). Effective Assessment in Online Education: “Analysis of Electrical Circuits through Calculated Questions in Moodle” . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1), 245-257. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2025.1.2861
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Alejandro Sebastián Sánchez-Mendoza , Universidad Estatal de Milagro - Ecuador


Mechanical Engineer graduated from the Technical University of Ambato, master in Renewable Energy. A professional with a solid career in both the public and private sectors, with experience in academia and the practical application of acquired knowledge, covering fields such as exact sciences, mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Additionally, has collaborated in mechanical maintenance work, thermographic studies, and the development of clean energy technologies. 

Susana Beatriz Mendoza-Angulo , Universidad Estatal de Bolívar - Ecuador


Bachelor of Science in Education graduated from the State University of Bolivar, specialist in Educational Management. With experience at all levels of education, has worked both in the classroom and in political training, contributing to the development of educational strategies that promote critical thinking and active participation of students in society. 

Nathalie Calderón-Saldaña , Universidad Estatal de Milagro - Ecuador


Business Management Engineer, graduated from the University of Guayaquil, with a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the Milagro State University. Experience in Human Resources in both the private and public sectors, with a focus on organizational development and personnel selection, ensuring the compliance with timely procedures. Additionally, experience in the academic field, with knowledge in Scientific Research Methodology and Methodologies and Areas of Professional Intervention.

Miguel Ángel Lema-Carrera , Universidad Estatal de Milagro / Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas “Espe” - Ecuador


Electronic and Control Engineer from Escuela Politécnica Nacional. Master in Physics and Mathematics from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain. With over 10 years of experience as a university professor in the field of exact sciences. He has supervised multiple engineering thesis projects and led two research initiatives focused on the application of technology in agricultural sciences. His experience combines solid academic training with a dedication to the development and dissemination of knowledge in higher education. 

Enrique Mauricio Barreno-Avila , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador


Enrique holds a Master's in Petroleum Engineering from Curtin University, Australia, and a Master's in Applied Linguistics from the University of the Atlantic, Spain, complemented by a Mechanical Engineering degree from the Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador. He teaches Entrepreneurship, Management, and English courses, and has published over 20 research articles in areas including Materials, Production, and Occupational Health. Contact him at ebarreno3907@utm.edu.ec for inquiries or collaboration. 


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