Corporate Social Responsibility in Mexico: A Key Pillar for the Quality of Life of Older Adults

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Luis Alfonso Bonilla-Cruz
Lizbeth Cobián-Romero
María de Jesus Moreno-Moreno


The global aging population has profoundly transformed social and economic dynamics, presenting a complex challenge that demands comprehensive and sustainable solutions. In Mexico, the steady growth of the elderly population highlights the urgent need to reassess their needs and promote strategies that enhance their quality of life. In this context, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plays a crucial role, enabling companies not only to take an active part in improving the living conditions of older adults but also to capitalize on the opportunities presented by an expanding market segment. However, the effective implementation of CSR initiatives faces multiple barriers, ranging from financial constraints and social prejudices to difficulties in developing products and services tailored to the needs of the elderly. This study examines the available action scenarios for companies and the challenges they must overcome to foster an inclusive and responsible environment in the contemporary era. 


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How to Cite
Bonilla-Cruz, L. ., Cobián-Romero , L. ., & Moreno-Moreno , M. . (2025). Corporate Social Responsibility in Mexico: A Key Pillar for the Quality of Life of Older Adults . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1), 765-773.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Luis Alfonso Bonilla-Cruz , Universidad Estatal del valle de Ecatepec - México

Dr. Luis Alfonso Bonilla Cruz is a Mexican researcher with a PhD in Socioeconomics, Statistics, and Informatics. He is currently a member of the National System of Researchers. His research focuses on Corporate Social Responsibility, and he works as a professor at the State University of Valle de Ecatepec.

Lizbeth Cobián-Romero , Tecnológico Nacional de México TECNM / Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Ixtapaluca - México

Ph.D. Lizbeth Cobián Romero is a Mexican researcher with a Ph.D. in Socioeconomics, Statistics, and Informatics - Economics; she is a member of the National System of Researchers and holds the PRODEP Desirable Profile recognition. She leads the Academic Body for the Formation and Promotion of Innovative and Socially Responsible Organizations. Currently, she is a Full-Time Professor at the Technological Institute of Higher Studies of Ixtapaluca.

María de Jesus Moreno-Moreno , UNEVEUniversidad Estatal del Valle de Ecatepec - México

Dr. María de Jesús Moreno Moreno is a Medical Doctor with a specialty in Geriatrics. She currently serves as the Director of the Bachelor’s Program in Gerontology at the State University of Valle de Ecatepec. She has worked as Head of the Geriatric Research Department at the National Institute for Older Adults, as well as Head of the Geriatric Research Department at the National Institute of Aging. Additionally, she has served as a specialist physician in the Subdirectorate of Gerontological Units at INSEN, among other roles


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