Developing skills for expert accounting debate
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This article seeks to demonstrate the importance of the preparation of the Public Accountant in the specialization of Accounting Expert, fundamentally in the development of capabilities for the support and oralization of the Accounting Expert Report during the expert debate in the Oral Trial. This is the expert examination, so called in art. No. 181 of the New Criminal Procedure Code (New Criminal Procedure Code, 2006). The methodology used was a non-experimental transversal documentary analysis, focusing on the current legislation of Peru on expert debate. The legislation is analyzed by combining the writings in an inductive manner to establish the need for adequate preparation of the Public Accountant for their participation in the Oral Trial. The investigation technique consists of collecting relevant regulations that refer to the Accounting Expert Report as a means of judicial proof. The results obtained highlight the need for rigorous preparation of the Public Accountant to perform their role as Accounting Expert in the Oral Trial: the success depending on the adequate preparation for the support in the oral stage of the Accounting Expert Report, which is crucial for its acceptance and assessment as a means of judicial proof by the Administration of Justice.
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