Employee onboarding plan for the administrative area of GAD Municipal of Latacunga
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The article proposes an employee onboarding plan for the administrative area of the GAD Municipal de Latacunga, with the aim of facilitating the integration and adaptation of new municipal officials. This plan includes socialisation dynamics, technical training and initial support to improve job satisfaction and, consequently, increase the commitment and productivity of employees in their first stages within the institution.
The implementation of the plan is based on the design of specific contents, a schedule of activities, the training of tutors and the execution of welcome and integration workshops. It also provides for mentoring during the first 60 days of each new employee, with monitoring through indicators such as productivity and turnover to evaluate and adjust the process.
The article highlights the benefits of efficient onboarding, such as the reduction of the learning curve, a decrease in labour turnover, the generation of institutional commitment, and an early alignment of employees with the objectives of the Municipal Government. It also proposes continuous improvement of the process by identifying opportunities to optimise the experience of new staff.
Finally, the study used a mixed methodological approach, with surveys and interviews, to evaluate the current onboarding process, identifying critical areas for improvement, such as the need for more robust training and clarification of job responsibilities.
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