The guarantee of the motivation, a reinforced padlock in criminal matters

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Jorge Jinson Andrade-Borja
Carla Piedad Uday-Subia
Aracely Nataly Flores-Flores


Motivation is a fundamental right of all citizens that, when activating effective judicial protection, must be guaranteed; In the criminal sphere, due to the current pronouncements of the Constitutional Court of Ecuador regarding motivation, this has taken an opportune turn by creating a reinforced padlock to protect the defendants. Therefore, the objective of this work will be to define what the additional standards of motivation in criminal matters that the Constitutional Court has created consist of. A task that, without a doubt, will contribute to an appropriate administration of justice and will help to identify the errors that judges make when pronouncing a sentence of conviction. For this purpose, the method to be used will be analytical since an analysis of the rulings of the Constitutional Court will be carried out. At the end of our work we will conclude that the new motivation standards provide reinforced guarantees to the defendants. 


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How to Cite
Andrade-Borja , J., Uday-Subia , C. ., & Flores-Flores , A. . (2025). The guarantee of the motivation, a reinforced padlock in criminal matters . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1), 152-159.
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Author Biographies

Jorge Jinson Andrade-Borja , Fiscalía General del Estado - Ecuador

Criminal Lawyer, Master in Law with a mention in Constitutional Law from the Indo-American Technological University of Ecuador, Human Rights Defender, writer of the legal essay “The criminal type of smuggling and its current incidence in Ecuadorian criminal and procedural law”, official of the Prosecutor's Office General of the State

Carla Piedad Uday-Subia , Fiscalía General del Estado - Ecuador

Lawyer from the Central University of Ecuador, Secretary of the Prosecutor's Office, master's degree in Economic Criminal Law, specialist in gender and equality: public administration and local world, awarded by the Autonomous University of Barcelona. 

Aracely Nataly Flores-Flores , Fiscalía General del Estado - Ecuador

Lawyer, Tax Agent of Pichincha, Quick Solutions Unit, contact: email,


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