Challenges and benefits of implementing project-based learning in baccalaureate accounting majors

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Christian Fernando Gallegos-Gallegos
Sisa Jhojandra Chimbo-Shiguango
Rosa Elena Ordoñez-Vivero
Alejandro Reigosa-Lara


The research work titled "Challenges and Benefits of Implementing Project-Based Learning in High School Accounting Specialty" aims to identify the benefits and challenges associated with the implementation of Project-Based Learning (PBL) in the accounting specialty at the Intercultural Bilingual Educational Unit "New Horizons", using a mixed-method approach that included surveys and interviews. The results showed that 67% of the teachers agreed that PBL improves the understanding of accounting concepts. Among the benefits of PBL, the genuine interest of teachers and students in promoting more active and meaningful learning, as well as the development of problem-solving skills, was highlighted. Additionally, there was a consensus on the benefits of PBL, such as greater student engagement, deeper understanding of concepts, and the development of practical skills and teamwork. However, significant challenges were identified in the implementation of PBL, such as time and resource management, the need to ensure equitable student participation, and aligning projects with learning objectives. Teachers emphasized the importance of careful planning and execution of practical projects, as well as the need to provide proper guidance and support to students throughout the process. 


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How to Cite
Gallegos-Gallegos , C. ., Chimbo-Shiguango , S. ., Ordoñez-Vivero , R. ., & Reigosa-Lara , A. . (2025). Challenges and benefits of implementing project-based learning in baccalaureate accounting majors . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1), 225-244.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Christian Fernando Gallegos-Gallegos , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Two years of work experience in a bilingual intercultural community education unit. Technical high school teacher in the professional fields of accounting and agriculture. 

Sisa Jhojandra Chimbo-Shiguango , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Teacher at a bilingual educational institution in the province of Pastaza, in the tourism course at the high school level. Currently administrative assistant at a public company. 

Rosa Elena Ordoñez-Vivero , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Postgraduate professor at UBE (Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador), specialist in the area of ​​Scientific Research Methodology. Administrative Processes, Organization and Methods, Strategic Marketing, Scientific Research Methodology, among others, ACCREDITED by SENESCYT. 

Alejandro Reigosa-Lara , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Professor at UBE (Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador) with experience in education, especially in virtual environments. Master in business administration. 


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