Digital communication and education: tools and challenges in virtual teaching
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The study investigates the influence of digital communication tools on virtual education, with a focus on their effectiveness, teacher-student interaction, accessibility barriers, and optimization strategies. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used, including regression analysis, principal components analysis and in-depth interviews. The quantitative results reveal that the use of online learning platforms and students' digital competence have a positive and significant impact on academic performance. However, student satisfaction and motivation also play a crucial role in their performance. The qualitative analyzes highlight that the limited interaction in the virtual environment negatively affects both students and teachers, reducing motivation and understanding of the material. Furthermore, inequalities in access to devices and the internet create a digital divide that makes equality in education difficult.
To address these challenges, several strategies are proposed. Among them, the development of technological training programs for students and teachers, the implementation of tools that improve online interaction, and measures to close the digital divide by providing devices and ensuring reliable internet connections. Although digital communication tools are essential for virtual education, their effectiveness depends on several factors, including digital competence, teacher-student interaction, and accessibility. Implementing strategies that address these aspects comprehensively is crucial to creating a more effective, equitable, and motivating learning environment for all students and teachers.
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