The impact of emotional branding in the fashion sector: a focus on the Ecuadorian centennial consumer

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Yamileth Abigail Medina-López
Anggie Pamela Mero-Vera
Lorenzo Bonisoli


The importance of brands lies in their ability to establish emotional connections with consumers, therefore, fashion studies address relevant aspects such as gender, class and culture, highlighting that fashion transcends simple clothing and reflects social changes. This study investigates the relationship between various variables; as well as Brand Experience, Brand Trust, Brand Authenticity, Brand Attachment, Brand Loyalty and Brand Equity in the context of the Ecuadorian centennial consumer, seeking to identify which variable has the greatest impact on brand loyalty and perception in relation to the approach that the Ecuadorian centennial consumer has. Consequently, this research has an empirical study, a quantitative approach and in turn its scope of exploratory nature and in turn the technique to be used will be the analysis of SEM-PLS results (structural equation models) in order to determine how many variables positively influence the model to be studied.


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How to Cite
Medina-López , Y. ., Mero-Vera , A. ., & Bonisoli , L. . (2024). The impact of emotional branding in the fashion sector: a focus on the Ecuadorian centennial consumer. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 1108-1120.
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Author Biographies

Yamileth Abigail Medina-López , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

I am a graduate of the Marketing program at Universidad Técnica de Machala. Through this scientific paper, I present my research and analysis in the field of marketing to obtain my degree in Marketing. This work reflects my academic training and commitment to developing innovative, data-driven strategies. 

Anggie Pamela Mero-Vera , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador 

 As a graduate from Universidad Técnica de Machala in Marketing, I am submitting this scientific paper to fulfill the requirements for earning my degree in Marketing. This study represents the culmination of my academic background and my focus on market strategies. 

Lorenzo Bonisoli , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Docente titular en la Universidad Técnica de Machala desde 2013, Doctor en Filosofía (Università Cattolica di Milano - Italia) en 2002, Master of Business Administration (Cranfield University – UK) in 2011 y Doctorado en Ciencias Económicas (Universidad de Almería – España) en 2020. Areas de investigación: Sostenibilidad, Microeconomía, Agricultura Sostenible y Desarrollo, Marketing Estratégico, Marketing Sostenible 


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